How do I write the formula for ionic bonds? Starter: We’re creating a floppy book 1. Pick up the anticipatory set as you work in the room and staple it in your notebook. 2. Pick up three sheet of construction paper from the side of the room. (any color)
How do I write the formula for ionic bonds? Starter: 1. Staple and complete the anticipatory set. 2. Then create and label your floppy book.
How do I write the formula for ionic bonds? STEPS: - Take notes in the “How do I write the formula for ionic bonds?” section Look at the name of the ionic compound. The metal is always ______ and has a _____ charge. 1. Write cation and anion with charge next to each ion. Cations that are transition metals have their charges in () in the name. 2. Cross and drop charges and place them as subscripts to opposite ion. 3. Rewrite formula with these subscripts. Place ( ) around polyatomic ions if more than one is present. Do not have any charges present – the charges now represent a ratio. Polyatomic ions – staple in
How do I write the formula ionic bonds? Ionic Dominoes Each player pick up 7 cards Place one card from the draw pile in the center of the table to start the game. Each player takes a turn and matches an anion with a cation on their playing area. As a group, in your notes, write down the formula. Make sure you all agree on the formula before the next person’s turn. Place all your final answers on the index card. The index card will be collected at the end of the period.
How do I write the formula ionic bonds? Homework Read Chapter 9.1 and 9.2 Complete: Page 263 #11 (omit c) Page 265 #13 b page 226 # 17 and 18
How do I write the formula ionic bonds? Chemistry Starter: Complete page 281 # 51 and 52. place this on the back of your homework paper from last night.
How do I name ionic compounds? STEPS: - Take notes in the “How do I name ionic compounds?” section Rules for naming ionic compounds 1. Name the cation first 2. Name the anion second – tell partner what you will change in the anion. (change ending to –ide) Exception: If a transition metal is present, the charge of it is stated as a roman numeral. Example: Iron (III) oxide
Go Fish Goal: You lay down as many formulas as you can. You need to have an anion card, a cation card, and two subscripts formula cards to have a set. Each person picks up seven cards. The rest of the cards to into the “pond”. Ask a person for a subscript, anion or cation you are looking for. If that person has it, take the card and go again. If not go fish (draw a card from the pond). Then it is the next person’s turn. Each person needs to put their formulas and names of their formulas on the index card.
How do I write the formula ionic bonds? Homework: Page 282 #67, 68 (only name the ionic compounds)
Chemistry Starter: Pick up your index card from yesterday. Have out last night’s homework Write down tonight’s homework. Get an ion from Mrs. Fringer
Ion Activity 1. Match up with someone else in the class to form an ionic bond. 2. On a half sheet of paper write the formula and the name on the ionic bond you and your partner created. This activity is worth 10 points. Make sure your name and your partner’s name is on the paper.
Ionic Bonding Dice Game Everybody needs a scrap sheet of paper and something to write with. Every team needs one bag of dice and a timer.
Ionic Bonding Dice Game Directions: Roll the dice and start the timer. During the 5 minutes each person needs to write down as many ionic formulas and names as s/he can. When the 5 minutes are finished, each person will share the formulas and the names with the team. If another person has the same formula or name as you everyone crosses off that choice. If a formula or name is incorrect, cross it off your list. (Team members check each other’s work to make sure it is correct.) Each person should share their names and formulas. In the corner of your paper write down the number of original names and formulas you got for each game. The person in each group with the highest points will get a prize.