Unit 7: Event Logging, Reporting, and Monitoring
2 Objectives Upon the completion of this unit, you will be able to: Identify messages that are candidates for central logging. Describe client event message processing. Define how to configure client event filtering, logging and monitoring. Identify the external interfaces that can receive event-logging messages. Describe reporting tools available to extract information from the Tivoli Storage Manager database. Create a Storage Manager database report.
3 Monitoring Client Events Client message filtering and formatting Central logging of client events Querying client events TSM SERVER Msg
4 Client Message Candidates Loggable messages Messages indicating an error condition. Client statistics (such as backup). Nonloggable messages Session, communication, and TCA errors. Client memory errors. Informational messages. Server disabled messages. Tivoli Space Manager messages. API messages API application’s responsibility to place text into string buffer.
5 Client Event Formatting Common message repository Contains new messages to facilitate central error logging. Command line and GUI share same repository. Event formatting Logged locally on client as ANS message. Externally appear in range. Event message assigned ANE messages: ANE4007E. Event content Contains enough information to be processed outside of the text where message occurred. Where applicable contains name of object, filespace.
6 Message Format Messages are seen in the following format: AN [R S E] # # # # [I W E S] R = SERVER S = CLIENT E = EVENT I = INFO W = WARNING E = ERROR S = SEVERE
7 Client Event Processing ANE4007E (session: 34, client node: chocolate):Error processing 'C:\pagefile.sys': Access to the object is denied Client Event shown by TSM Server Console Client Error Messages ANS4228E Sending of object 'C:\pagefile.sys' failed ANS4090E Access to the specified file or directory denied ANE4007E Error processing 'C:\pagefile.sys': Access to the object is denied Client Event Message Prepare Message Provide Client Information TSM Client TSM Server Sending Client Event to Server
8 Data Validation – CRC Overview
9 Enabling Client Events for TSM Console Event enabling: to display on the TSM console Individually –Message name By severity –Warning, error, severe For specific nodes (* for all nodes) enable events console error,severe node=* ANE4000E session ANE4003E session ANE4007E session TSM SERVER
10 Storing Client Events in the Activity Log Activity log Server events always stored in activity log All client events are enabled by default Client events can be disabled Retention period parameter ACTLOGRET Server Events TSM Server TSM DB ACTLOG Table Client Events disable events actlog info node=chocolate filter
11 Querying Client Events in the Activity Log Updated QUERY ACTLOG command Event originator type all, client, server Client node name Schedule name and domain name Session ID Owner name TSM DB ACTLOG Table q actlog... Query Output query actlog begindate=-7 originator=client node=chocolate sched=daily_inc domain=standard
12 Event Reporting Eligible events Any loggable client message All server messages with an associated message number Event receivers TSM Console Activity log File exit User exit NT eventlog Server-to-server event logging Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) Netview for OS/390 SNMP manager
13 Event Filtering and Logging Commands BEGIN EVENTLOGGING Starts event logging for the specified receiver(s). ENABLE EVENT Enables specific events to be passed to one or more receiver. DISABLE EVENT Disables specific events for one or more receiver. QUERY ENABLED Displays a list of enabled or disabled events. QUERY EVENTRULES Displays a summary of enabled events. END EVENTLOGGING Stops event logging for the specified receiver(s).
14 Query Enable Console tsm> query enable console node=CHOCOLATE 964 client events are enabled for node CHOCOLATE for the CONSOLE receiver. The following client events are DISABLED for node CHOCOLATE for the CONSOLE receiver: ANE4000, ANE4001, ANE4002, ANE4003, ANE4004, ANE4005, ANE4006, ANE4007, ANE4008, ANE4009, ANE4010, ANE4011, ANE4012, ANE4013, ANE4014, ANE4015, ANE4016, ANE4017, ANE4018, ANE4019, ANE4020, ANE4021, ANE4022, ANE4023, ANE4024, ANE4025, ANE4028, ANE4029, ANE4030, ANE4031, ANE4032, ANE4033, ANE4034, ANE4992, ANE4993, ANE4994
15 Sending Events to a File Exit File exit File receiving TSM event data Event data format Predefined structure Binary data included File write options APPEND REPLACE PRESERVE Configuring the file exit in dsmserv.opt Example: FILEEXIT YES event.data APPEND Enabling file exit receiver tsm> begin eventlogging file tsm> enable events file error,severe
16 Sending Events to a User Exit User exit External, user-written interface –OS/390: C, PLI, or ASSEMBLER module –AIX: C module –Windows NT: DLL Sample files Event data format Predefined structure Configuring the user exit in dsmserv.opt Example: USEREXIT YES UserExitSample Enabling user exit receiver tsm> begin eventlogging userexit tsm> enable events userexit error,severe
17 Sending Events to Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) TEC event adapter TCP/IP socket connection Configuring the Tivoli receiver TECHOSTNAME host_name TECPORT port_number TECBEGINEVENTLOGGING YES|NO Enabling the Tivoli receiver TEC configuration File ibmadsm.baroc (ships with TSM server) tsm> begin eventlogging tivoli tsm> enable events tivoli all
18 Sending Events to NetView for OS/390 TSM for OS/390 only Event presentation Write to Operator (WTO) support Multiline messages as one entity OS/390 configuration SYS1.PARMLIB member MPFLSTxx Message ID specification for automation Enabling the NetView receiver ANE4001E AUTO(YES) ANE55* AUTO(YES) tsm> begin eventlogging netview tsm> enable events netview all
19 Sending Events to NT Eventlog Windows NT server only Application log Windows NT event viewer Event record format Date Time Category Enabling NT eventlog tsm> begin eventlogging nteventlog tsm> enable events nteventlog all
20 Sending Events to a Remote Server Event configuration on local server DEFINE EVENTSERVER command ENABLE EVENTS command BEGIN EVENTLOGGING command Event configuration on remote server ENABLE EVENTS with servername=option Event format on remote server (Session_num, Origin) message text Local tsm> begin eventlogging eventserver tsm> define eventserver REMOTE tsm> enable events eventserver error,severe Remote tsm> enable events console,actlog error,severe servername=LOCAL
21 SNMP Monitoring and Reporting TSM Server (AIX and NT)
22 Other Interfaces – Server SQL and ODBC Administrative select command ODBC driver TSM DB select node_name, sum(logical_mb) as DATA_IN_MB, sum(num_files) as NUM_OF_FILES from occupancy group by node_name having min(num_files) >= 1 order by data_in_mb desc ODBC
23 SQL SELECT Statement Syntax SELECT column_name | aggregate_function [ AS output_column_name ],... FROM table_name,... [ WHERE predicate ] [ GROUP BY [table_name.] column_name ] [ HAVING predicate ] [ ORDER BY output_column_name [ ASC | DESC ],...
24 ODBC Implementation ODBC API ODBC Manager ODBC API TSM ODBC Driver Communication Layer Database TSM Server SQL Engine Client Server Application (Approach, Access, etc)
25 Tivoli Decision Support What is it? Decision-support software to aid in – Data and trend analysis – Decision making Data stored in and extracted from an enterprise's database Used for Measurement Assets determination Weakness area identifier Technology and automation leverage investment And more.... Many data view formats Text, bar chart, line chart enterprise's database
26 TDS for Storage Management Analysis Best practices guide analyzes & displays data from Tivoli Storage Manager Event & Performance analysis –Verify the operations and establish improvement and correction –Servers and clients Capacity planning in future release RDBMS used to store TSM data, historical trend & forecast Data displayed using TDS graphical and text formats Replaces Sterling's SAMS Vantage:ADSM edition
27 Data Transfer and Reporting Model Tivoli Storage Manager Server Databases ODBC connection using TSM 3.7 or greater ODBC driver TSM Decision Support Loader ODBC connection using RDBMS ODBC driver Crystal Report Power Play Report Relational Reporting Database CUBE periodic build quasi live data TDS ODBC connection using RDBMS ODBC driver Near real-time reporting Out-of-the-box reporting
28 Event Summary Activity Log TSM Console Filter TSM Server Filter Server Events Client Events Redirect Receiver TSM Console Activity log File exit User exit NT eventlog Server-to-server event logging Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) Netview for OS/390 SNMP manager Receiver
29 Instructor Demonstration
30 Student Exercise
31 Summary You should now be able to: Identify messages that are candidates for central logging. Describe client event message processing. Define how to configure client event filtering, logging and monitoring. Identify the external interfaces that can receive event-logging messages. Describe reporting tools available to extract information from the Tivoli Storage Manager database. Create a Storage Manager database report.