Utilize Informatics Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi BSc law, RN, RNT, BSN, MSN, CCRN, CRNA, PhD Head of Nursing & Midwifery Department Faculty of Medicine &


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Presentation transcript:

Utilize Informatics Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi BSc law, RN, RNT, BSN, MSN, CCRN, CRNA, PhD Head of Nursing & Midwifery Department Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences An-Najah National University

Intended Learning Objectives Discuss the IQM competency:Utilize informatics Describe informatics and its relationship to nursing Explain the purpose of documentation and key issues related to informatics and documentation Identify informatics tools used in health care delivery Describe telehealth and its relationship to health care delivery and nursing

Utilize Informatics The IQM competency: Utilize informatics Informatics Documentation Informatics: Types and methods HIPAA: Ensuring confidentiality Telehealth Internet

Technology and nursing informatics´ impact Technological advances and the growth of nursing knowledge will create the need for informatics expertise in nursing education as well as in nursing practice. Computer competence will not suffice for nurses of the future. Student will need to master sophisticated information system s to use the wealth of available knowledge to improve and document patient care.

IQM Competency: Utilize Informatics IQM description of the fifth healthcare profession core competency is “ Communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate التخفيف error, and support decision making using information technology” Informatics is more than just understanding what IT is but rather how that technology is used to prevent errors and improve care

IT application in care Use of informatics to find evidence to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) Use in research Internet Clinical applications such as reminder and decision system, telehealth الرعاية الصحية عن بعد teleradiology الأشعة عن بعد,online prescribing,, use of ,patient-provider communication

IQM concludes every health care professional should meet the following competencies Employ word processing, presentation and data analysis software Search, retrieve استرداد,manage and make decision using electronic data from internal information databases and external on line databases and the internet Communicate using e mail, instant الفورية messaging, e mail list, and file transfer

IQM concludes every health care professional should meet the following competencies Understand security protection, such as access control, data security, and data encryption التشفير directly address ethical and legal issues related to the use of IT in practice Enhance education and access to reliable موثوق بها health information for patients

Informatics- definition and description Open door to many innovative مبتكرة methods of communication with patients and between providers It often safe time, but can lead to information overload Physician are using e mail to communicate with their patients ( sending appointment reminder, sharing lab results, and answering questions)

Informatics- definition and description Web has provided opportunities to build communities of people with common chronic diseases to help them with disease management Staff can access some parts of the sites with special pass words Informatics has allowed governments at all levels- local, state, national, and international- to collect and use data for policy decision making and evaluation

Key terms related to informatics Clinical data repository مستودع البيانات السريرية Clinical decision support system نظام دعم القرارات السريرية Clinical information system نظام المعلومات السريرية Coding system نظام الترميز Computer literacy محو الأمية الحاسوبية Data البيانات Data analysis software برنامج تحليل البيانات Data mining استخراج البيانات

Key terms related to informatics databank بنك معلومات database قاعدة البيانات National database of nursing quality indicators قاعدة بيانات وطنية للتمريض مؤشرات نوعية E mail list Encryption تشفيرات Information literacy المعلومات محو الأمية Information Knowledge Minimum data set الحد الأدنى من مجموعة البيانات

Key terms related to informatics Nomenclature التسميات Security protection Software البرمجيات Standarizedlanguage Wisdom

Nanotechnology Sensing patients´ internal drug Chemotherapy delivered directly to a tumor site New monitoring devices for the home- a talking pill bottle that lets patients push a button to hear prescribtion