I am able to use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions; apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division.


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Presentation transcript:

I am able to use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions; apply and extend previous understanding of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions; and divide fractions by fractions.

 Use models to represent a fraction divided by a fraction  Develop and use strategies for dividing a fraction by a fraction  Understand when division is an appropriate operation

Before we start the Learning Target Lesson, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much prior knowledge do you have regarding that goal? Chart your prior knowledge using your pre-target score icon.

 Using models to represent a fraction divided by a fraction  Developing and using strategies for dividing a fraction by a fraction  Understanding when division is and appropriate operation

After the completion of the Learning Target, think about the Learning Target for today…. How much has your understanding of the Learning Target changed? Did your understand increase or decrease? Chart your current knowledge using your Post-target score icon.

 Complete Part B #1-3 and if you are “feeling good” complete Part C #1-3, if you are not “feeling good” then stop after Part B