Course Coordinator DR. NG SHIOW FERN 1
2 NF 3024 Projek Penyelidikan I Year 3 Semester 2 4 units NF 4014 Projek Penyelidikan II Year 4 Semester 1 4 units = ONE-YEAR RESEARCH PROJECT (8 UNITS)
3 To review background knowledge related to reseach project. To apply scientific knowledge related to the research project. To design and conduct scientific research. To analyse and intepret data/results. To report results in oral presentation and scientific writing.
4 Research Areas Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutics Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacology Pharmacy Practice
5 Laboratory Data obtained from experiments in labs (Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmacology) Survey Data obtained from patients/community survey (Pharmacy Practice, Clinical pharmacy)
6 Semester 2 (Feb 2013– June 2013) Meet supervisors Proposal presentation Carry out lab experiment/ survey Literature Review write-up (BM) Semester 1 (Sep 2013– Jan 2014) Continue experiment/survey Manuscript write-up (English) Results presentation VIVA
7 Penyelia20% Pembentangan cadangan5% Pembentangan hasil5% Tinjauan literatur (dinilai oleh pemeriksa)20% Manuskrip (dinilai oleh pemeriksa)30% Viva20% Penalty for delay 1 mark will be deducted per day late (including weekends!)
8 Role of Supervisor Expert in the field of research. Only to guide you in your research and not give orders on what to do. Supervision Log book Record of meetings with your supervisor throughout the year. Must be handed in together with your project at the end of semester 1.
9 YOUR ROLE What should I do….. Take FULL responsibility on your research. Make appointment with your supervisor and take initiative to seek his/her guidance. Adhere to schedule and Be Independent. ‘Take advantage’ of your supervisors’ knowledge to complete your project! REMEMBER: This is your project, not your supervisor’s!
Seminar Peninjauan Literatur (1 jam) Penulisan Gaya UKM (1 jam) Isu Keselamatan (2 jam) Research Design (2 jam) Manuscript Writing (1 jam) Microsoft Excel/Data presentation (1 jam)
Kursus Kemahiran Maklumat Overview on library scientific information collection, journal databases, access to gemilang etc. Arrange your own (in groups) with the library. 11
12 Proposal presentation (Mid of Sem 2) Duration: 10 mins (7 min presentation +3 min Q&A session) Results presentation (End of Sem 1) Duration: 10 mins (7 min presentation +3 min Q&A session)
13 Title Introduction & literature review Justification Objectives Methodology Research schedule POWERPOINT SLIDES - NOT MORE THAN 15 SLIDES.
14 Title Brief introduction Justification + Objective Brief methodology Results and Discussion Conclusion Future work POWERPOINT SLIDES - NOT MORE THAN 15 SLIDES.
Presentation Assessment Style of presentation Content (creativity, order, format ) Time Q&A 15
16 End of Semester 2 Peninjauan Perpustakaan End of Semester 1 Manuscript
17 In Bahasa Malaysia Writing style according to Gaya UKM Number of pages (including reference and appendices): min20, max30 ONE soft bound copy to be handed in to Pejabat Farmasi before or on Friday, Week 15 at the end of Semester 2.
Penilaian Peninjauan Literatur Kuantiti maklumat yang didapati, bersesuaian dengan objektif projek. Kefahaman dan interpretasi maklumat yang didapati Format penulisan, gaya penulisan dan bahasa. 19
PENILAIAN TINJAUAN LITERATUR 20 STRUKTUR Objektif penyelidikan dan matlamat kajian literatur yang jelas. Tajuk / sub-tajuk yang sesuai. KANDUNAGAN Menunjukkan pembacaan yang luas dan berkaitan dengan kajian yang lepas. Perhujahan yang tersusun, logik dan koheren. PENYAMPAIAN Meliputi bahan rujukan dan kertas penyelidikan yang penting. Format dan bahasa penulisan yang baik
Manuscript Format Title page ABSTRACT (not more than 250 words) Manuscript Introduction Material and methods Results Discussion Conclusion List of TABLES List of FIGURES Reference APPENDICES (raw data, survey forms, spectra etc.) (Sample available on SPIN) No. of Pages: 20-30
23 To be pass-up at Week 15, Sem 1.
SUPERVISOR EVALUATION (20%) 24 Inisiatif (Initiative) Etika kerja (Work ethics) Pemikiran yang creatif dan inovatif (Creative and innovative thinking) Menjalankan kajian dalam jangka masa yang ditetapkan (Able to work according to specific timeframe) Kemahiran komunikasi dalam pertuturan dan penulisan (Communication skills in speaking and writing)
Notes to students manuscript – English Peninjauan Literatur - BM. Students are required to keep a ‘lab book’ or ‘methodology book’ – to record your research activity.
Notes to students At the end of semester 1, 2010, each student will pass-up tinjauan literatur+ manuscript + appendices (all BOUND together in that order). A copy of CD containing manuscript, presentation powerpoint, lit review, raw data (excel etc.) to be handed in to supervisor.
Samples available on SPIN Download Samples Muka hadapan Halaman Judul/Pengakuan Abstrak/Abstract Kandungan Senarai Jadual/Illustrasi/Singkatan/Simbol Rujukan Manuskrip Tables/Figures Artikel Sains Malaysiana
28 To test the understanding of the knowledge in your research. To defend your research work. 30 min. One examiner only (from Fakulti Farmasi) Supervisor will attend. Bring a copy of your project, Lab book/survey forms, raw data, references… etc – Anything to support your research!
29 Examiner ONE examiner only. From Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM. He/she will examine both literature review and manuscript.
30 Activities Semester 2 Week 1-2Meet Supervisors/Research project titles Week 6Proposal presentation Week 9-15 Carry out research Two days of each week (THURS & FRI) are dedicated for research. Students can work on other free time. Make appointments with supervisor to discuss research problems. End of week 15 Hand in ‘Peninjauan Literatur’ (soft bound) to FFar office.
31 Activities Semester 1 Week 1-8 Continue research and writing-up Continue regular meetings with supervisor to discuss research problems. End of week 8 End of research Prepare manuscript 1 st draft.
32 Activities Semester 1 Week 9-14 Complete manuscript writing. Hand in to supervisor the1 st draft. Week 10Examiner to be announced. Week14 Hand-in complete manuscript (soft bound) to FFar office.
33 Activities Semester 1 1 week after final exam Result presentation VIVA 1-2 weeks after viva Hand in corrected, hard-bound research project to FFar office. Penalty: If hand-in late, 1 mark will be deducted for each day.
34 “ If I know what I am doing, it wouldn’t be research!” ANY QUESTIONS?
35 THANK YOU Further Enquiries: Tel: (ext.)