1 Update on Transit in West Kelowna District of West Kelowna - November 12, 2013 Matthew Boyd – Senior Transit Planner Steve Harvard – Senior Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Transit in West Kelowna District of West Kelowna - November 12, 2013 Matthew Boyd – Senior Transit Planner Steve Harvard – Senior Regional Transit Manager

Outline Overview of ridership changes in West Kelowna since 2012 Update on 2014 RapidBus Integration Plan Update on RapidBus construction timelines Next steps moving forward 2

September 2012 Service Changes Extension of RapidBus from Queensway Exchange to Westbank Town Centre Truncation of #21 Glenrosa route at Westbank Town Centre (previously route travelled to Queensway Exchange) Expanded weekday evening service to/from Queensway exchange on the #20 Lakeview and #24 Shannon Lake Service reductions to better match demand / achieve savings on: » #20 Lakeview » #21 Glenrosa » #24 Shannon Lake » #25 East Boundary » #27 Horizon » #28 Smith Creek » #29 Bear Creek 3

Before/After 4 March 2012September 2012

5 RouteSeptember 2012 Service Changes 20 Lakeview -Expanded weekday evening service added departing from Queensway Exchange -Reduced weekday evening service departing from Westbank Exchange -Saturday service arriving at Queensway Exchange discontinued -Saturday late evening service discontinued -Sunday/holiday service to/from Queensway Exchange discontinued -Sunday/holiday late evening service discontinued -All service converted to Community Bus 21 Glenrosa -All service now terminates at Westbank Exchange (previously all service to Queensway Exchange) -Most service converted to Community Bus -Weekday peak service reduced from every 15 minutes to every 30 minutes -Weekday late evening service discontinued -Saturday service levels reduced, including discontinuation of late night service -Sunday/holiday service reduced and discontinued at 18:00 (previously ran until 23:00) 24 Shannon Lake -Service primarily converted to Community Bus -Expanded weekday evening service added arriving at Queensway Exchange -Reduced service departing Queensway Exchange in the evening -Saturday service arriving/departing Queensway Exchange discontinued -Saturday local service departing Westbank Exchange extended from 18:00 to 21:00 -Sunday/holiday service arriving/departing Queensway Exchange discontinued -Sunday/holiday evening service from 19:00-22:00 discontinued 25 East Boundary -Some schedule adjustments on weekdays and Saturday to link with #97 -Sunday/Holiday 8:36am trip discontinued 27 Horizon -Weekday midday service discontinued (10 trips a day to 8 trips a day) -All service now Community Bus -Saturday/Sunday/Holiday service discontinued 28 Smith Creek -Weekday midday service discontinued (16 trips a day to 8 trips a day) -All service now Community Bus -Saturday/Sunday/Holiday service discontinued 29 Bear Creek -Weekday AM and PM peak service improved (6 trips a day to 9 trips a day) -Two PM peak trips converted to conventional bus -Saturday/Sunday/Holiday service discontinued 97 RapidBus -97 RapidBus service extended to Westside following the same route as the #21 Glenrosa -Weekday service levels are 15/30/15/30/60 -Saturday service levels are every 30 minutes until 19:00 then drops to every 60 minutes -Sunday/holiday service levels is every 60 minutes from 9:00 to 22:00

6 Scheduled Revenue Hours

Since September 2012 Improved service reliability of the 97 RapidBus (Spring 2013) Improved connectivity of local routes to 97 RapidBus and Westbank and Stevens Exchange (Spring 2013) Introduced higher capacity Vicinity buses to West Kelowna to reduce overcrowding (September 2013) 7

8 *Based on data collected by Automated Passenger Counters. **No information for #29 Bear Creek in 2011 ***Does not include 97 RapidBus

9 *Based on data collected by Automated Passenger Counters. **Does not include 97 RapidBus

10 *Based on data collected by Automated Passenger Counters and includes ridership in City of Kelowna and Westside

11 *Based on data collected by Automated Passenger Counters **97 RapidBus ridership includes an estimate of the Westside ridership only (does not include ridership in the City of Kelowna)

12 *Based on data collected by Automated Passenger Counters **97 RapidBus ridership includes an estimate of the Westside ridership only (does not include ridership in the City of Kelowna)

Conclusions Ridership has dropped slightly since service changes in September 2012 Routes that had significant reductions experienced drop in ridership RapidBus on the Westside gaining increasing popularity Opportunity to further develop connectivity of local network to RapidBus to yield more ridership Final integration of RapidBus to new infrastructure in 2014 should yield increased ridership 13

2014 RapidBus Integration Plan 14


2014 RapidBus Integration Report Objectives Maximize access to the RapidBus Improve local bus service Optimize cost of delivery Minimize duplication of service Local bus routes provide local bus service Leverage benefits of new infrastructure 16


Fall/Winter 2013 Reviewing impacts of the Fall 2013 schedules Update Councils on RapidBus Integration for 2014 Construction underway for RapidBus projects Complete RapidBus Integration Plan and Communication & Consultation Plan 18

Communication & Consultation Plan Primary Objectives: » To make people aware of the proposed changes » To obtain user and student feedback » To ease implementation of the service changes Actions Include: » Participation at the Mayor’s Youth Forum » Website information that invites input and feedback » neighborhood associations, seniors groups, youth groups, chamber of commerce, etc. » Interior bus ads » Bus Operator word-of-mouth » Print advertising » DWK and WFN communication tools (newsletters and social media) » Mail drop to affected businesses and residnets 19

April Regular seasonal reductions (U-Pass) Rider’s Guide Produced (April 2014 – September 2014) Gordon Drive and Richter RapidBus Stations officially open » 97 RapidBus running time to be reviewed

September 2014 Regular seasonal re-instatements Improve service reliability, address overcrowding and optimize service Opening of Boucherie Mountain Transit Exchange, Westbank Transit Exchange, Butt Road Station and integration of services. Potential introduction of #5 Gordon Drive service in Kelowna Potential Re-alignment of route #11 to service KGH and introduction of alternative service on Sutherland Potential upgrades to Queensway Exchange Rider’s Guide produced (September 2014 – April 2015) 21

RapidBus Transit Exchanges & Stops 22

23 Westbank Exchange DRAFT

Route 20, 24, 25, 27, 29 Route 97 (to Westbank) Route 97 (to UBCO) 24 Shannon Lake 25 East Boundary 27 Horizon 20 Lakeview & 29 Bear Creek 97 RapidBus Boucherie Mountain Exchange DRAFT

Butt Road RapidBus Station DRAFT 25 East Boundary 97 RapidBus new routing 97 Rapid old routing Discontinued RapidBus Stop

29 Bear Creek Potential Future routing 97 RapidBus Westside Road RapidBus Station DRAFT

Construction Timeline November December January February March April May June July August September Elliot Road Transit Exchange Butt Road Transit Exchange Boucherie Mountain Transit Exchange Westside Station Gordon Drive and Richter Station Construction Operational Opening Date *Subject to change

Information Technologies Transit Priority measures Passenger information displays at stations (e.g. next bus arrival) Passenger information on vehicles (next stop annunciation, route map) 28

Next Steps Complete RapidBus Integration Plan that summarizes detailed service changes Establish critical path to September 2014 implementation Execute the Communication and Consultation Plan Update Councils in Spring 2014 Integrate services in September 2014 Monitor service changes 29

30 Thank You Matthew Boyd – Senior Transit Planner Steve Harvard – Senior Regional Transit Manager

Appendix – DRAFT 2014 Route changes 31