Warm-ups Date: Feb 26, 2014 Page: Table of Contents p 19 W.O.D: Last 3 pages Warm-ups: Front Cover W.O.D. Peristalsis - involuntary, wave-like contractions of smooth muscle. Question: What organs in the digestive tract demonstrate peristalsis? Glossary
Project guidelines RECORD YOUR SOURCES! A works cited page (bibiography) is key to passing this project. USE YOUR OWN WORDS! Plagerism will result in 0 points. Create a powerpoint on an organ, including its function, disease related, cures for the diseases, and prevention. Present to the class TOMORROW.
Reflection: Did you your PowerPoint to If you answered “yes,” congrats! I look forward to your presentation tomorrow. If you answered no, come in at lunch, stay after, come early, or work at home. The presentation must be ed by 8 am Thursday. Points will be deducted for late presentations.