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Overview of Discussion  What are the pros and cons of the options?  Are there other options? A2 SUBCOMMITTEE.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Discussion  What are the pros and cons of the options?  Are there other options? A2 SUBCOMMITTEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Discussion  What are the pros and cons of the options?  Are there other options? A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

2 Overview of Options 1. +/- 6% msmt. accuracy by volume or flow rate (consistent with CVP contractors’ requirement) at individual customer 2. +/- 15% msmt. accuracy by volume or flow rate at individual customer 3. Combination of measurement at laterals, and/or at individual customers 4. Measurement at basin level or supplier level, with estimation for individual customers 5. Others? A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

3 Option 1: +/- 6% msmt. accuracy by volume or flow rate  Can this meet requirements of section 10608.48(b) Annual report of aggregated farm-gate delivery Implement pricing structure at least in part volumetric  What are pros/cons of this option, such as: Kinds of devices that can provide this accuracy Appropriate maintenance, checks, calibration Typical range of installation cost Other considerations A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

4 Option 2: +/- 15% msmt. accuracy by volume or flow rate  Can this meet requirements of section 10608.48(b) Annual report of aggregated farm-gate delivery Implement pricing structure at least in part volumetric  What are pros/cons of this option, such as: Kinds of devices that can provide this accuracy Appropriate maintenance, checks, calibration Typical range of installation cost Other considerations A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

5 Option 3: Lateral-level Measurement  Can this meet requirements of section 10608.48(b) Annual report of aggregated farm-gate delivery Implement pricing structure at least in part volumetric  What are pros/cons of this option, such as: Kinds of devices that can provide this accuracy Appropriate maintenance, checks, calibration Typical range of installation cost Other considerations A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

6 Option 4: Supplier-level Measurement  Can this meet requirements of section 10608.48(b) Annual report of aggregated farm-gate delivery Implement pricing structure at least in part volumetric  What are pros/cons of this option, such as: Kinds of devices that can provide this accuracy Appropriate maintenance, checks, calibration Typical range of installation cost Other considerations A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

7 Option X: Other Option?  Can this meet requirements of section 10608.48(b) Annual report of aggregated farm-gate delivery Implement pricing structure at least in part volumetric  What are pros/cons of this option, such as: Kinds of devices that can provide this accuracy Appropriate maintenance, checks, calibration Typical range of installation cost Other considerations A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

8 Revisiting Questions to Consider  What are the details to define a standard?  Is defining an accuracy standard as a +/- percentage appropriate?  Should the definition include additional details (e.g. operating flow range, field conditions, etc.)?  Should open-channel and piped delivery systems have different accuracy standards?  How should the “irrigation season” be defined for an agricultural water supplier? A2 SUBCOMMITTEE

9 Compliance, Applicability, and Exceptions  How does a supplier comply? Initial compliance of installed devices On-going compliance – sampling program or all devices during defined period of years o Compliance = every device compliant? o Compliance = xx% of devices compliant? o Demonstrate plan to fix non-compliant devices? Reporting of devices’ accuracy Must every delivery point be measured regardless of size?  What is a reasonable program for maintenance, checks, and calibration of measurement devices?  Other exceptions (e.g., parcel size)?

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