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1 Supplemental line if need be (example: Supported by the National Science Foundation) Delete if not needed. XDMoD Financial Analytics Craig Stewart ORCID.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Supplemental line if need be (example: Supported by the National Science Foundation) Delete if not needed. XDMoD Financial Analytics Craig Stewart ORCID."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Supplemental line if need be (example: Supported by the National Science Foundation) Delete if not needed. XDMoD Financial Analytics Craig Stewart ORCID ID 0000-0003-2423-9019 Executive Director, Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute Associate Dean, Research Technologies

2 2 Needs we hope to address Need: Financial ROI data. The CFO of a university proposes the elimination of that university’s local high performance computing (HPC) center. The HPC center and its most voracious users argue for its continued funding. The CFO is unconvinced, and asks for a financial analysis. Need: Scholarly value analysis. The Vice Provost of Research of this same university offers the criticism that the real value of scholarship is best measured in terms of publications and the impact ratings of these publications, not grant income. Need: Confidentiality. A faculty member is enraged by the idea that the CFO, the VPR, or the CI center dare to even consider assessing the value of their research.

3 3 XDMoD already does a lot… and we’re not going to mess that up

4 4 Publication networks (and impact metrics)

5 5 Collaboration and $ flows

6 6 Links to grant data

7 7 Capabilities summary + Status Data ingestion and collection of data required to analyze scientific and financial value of investment in local CI. – Including tools for getting at least NSF & NIH data even if your local financial people are unreasonable Analyze and correlate publications Depict and analyze relationships between CI facilities use and grant funding Analysis and depiction of collaborative relationships within institutions Open XDMoD interfaces and access control Unsolicited proposal submitted via EAGER mechanism 28 institutions (counting IU and UB) said that if we build this, they would adopt use of XDMoD Value Analytics. 9 would be new adopters of XDMoD We are making up a mailing list of all folks interested We’re sitting by the mailbox waiting for the check to arrive….

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