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Tips for Teens Challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself.

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1 Tips for Teens Challenge yourself to be the best version of yourself.

2 2 September 2014 What are some of the obstacles that could keep you from succeeding and reaching your goals?

3 Be the change you want to see.  Don’t complain about what others are doing, look to yourself  Control yourself  Everyone of us can make a difference

4 Serve others  Helping others, makes you feel proud.  Scientific fact that serving others makes people healthier and happier.  Practice random acts of kindness with people around you.

5 Teach love and respect  Share this as often as you can.  Spread the message.  Check yourself often.

6 Be a positive leader  Have fun!  Smile and celebrate often.  Enjoy yourself without hurting others.  Appreciate your friends, family, and yourself.

7 Remember you are a role model to others  You decide what kind  Younger kids watch you and imitate you-make sure you are doing what you want them to do.

8 Empty your emotional balloon on a regular basis  Find safe places to share what’s in your heart.  Find adults and friends who you trust who will listen to you.

9 Teach the adults in your life  Remember, adults aren’t perfect. Speak up and remind them to be good role-models.  Adults can help support your endeavors to make the world a better place- talk to them.

10 Compliment and thank others  Let the people you love know that you love them.  Use put-ups, not put-downs. A kind word can save someone’s life.  Look for the good in others.  If you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

11 You are 100% responsible for your own choices  Avoid blaming others for your mistakes.  Say you are sorry.  It takes a bigger person to admit they were wrong than it does to blame out behavior on others.

12 Interrupt put-downs, teasing, and all other forms of violence  Stand up for others and they will stand up for you.  Stand by what you believe is right.  Everyone deserves equal respect.

13 Follow your heart  Find your dream and hang out with people who will support and celebrate them.  Never settle for anything less.  Everyone has special gifts and talents.

14 Take care of your environment  School, home, your community- the way you treat yourself and your world is a reflection of the way you feel inside.  Every choice you make in some way affects those around you.

15 Make positive art  Express your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions through poetry, music, and art whenever possible.  Brighten the world around you with positive messages.

16 Become a mentor  Share your lessons, love and support with younger peers.  Make a difference in someone else’s life.

17 Blog your “Acts of Change” online  Share your accomplishments online.  Create a support network that celebrates positive change and people’s accomplishments.

18 Meet a potential new friend everyday  Say hello to everyone you see.  Share a smile.  A kind word or compliment can be the first step in creating a lifelong friendship.

19 Tell the truth  Trust works both ways- the only way you can trust another person is to be trustworthy yourself

20 Just listen  Best gift you can give.  Don’t offer advice unless asked for it  You don’t have to fix or change the person, just listen.

21 Enjoy learning  Ask questions.  Find out why things are the way they are.  Think for yourself, form your own opinions.  Express your beliefs and stand by them, even when under pressure to conform.

22 Welcome and include others  Everyone knows what it feels like to be excluded or left out- invite someone new into your group.  Don’t let someone be alone and on the outside, invite them in.

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