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Welcome!! TEACHER: MRS. REYNA ROOM: 2311. Stamp Sheet & Bell Ringers  Bell Ringers will be completed at the beginning of every class (3-5 minutes) 

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome!! TEACHER: MRS. REYNA ROOM: 2311. Stamp Sheet & Bell Ringers  Bell Ringers will be completed at the beginning of every class (3-5 minutes) "— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome!! TEACHER: MRS. REYNA ROOM: 2311

2 Stamp Sheet & Bell Ringers  Bell Ringers will be completed at the beginning of every class (3-5 minutes)  Stamp sheets will be returned every Monday and due every Friday  It will count as 1 assignment grade each week  Earn 2 stamps per day for a complete and correct answer=20 points per day  1 stamp per day for attempting the question=10 points per day  Please try and keep track of your sheet, lost points will result in a low grade. If you have the bell ringers to show, points can be given  Extra Stamp Sheets can be found in the absent folder

3 Groups and Group Roles  Groups will be randomly assigned every 2-3 weeks  If you need special accommodations to be able to see or hear better, please let me know before you leave today  Group roles will be assigned daily to involve all students to participate in group activities  Groups are a privilege and a great way to learn from your peers, failure to follow procedures will result in having to complete full activities on your own  Group roles will change depending on the activity, if you have any ideas for group roles please share them with me  Roles can include leader/manager, time keeper, writer, question-er, answer-er, presenter, etc.

4 Syllabus  Read through the syllabus  QUESTIONS??  Have your parents or guardians read the syllabus and sign before you return it BY WEDNESDAY  Answer the quiz questions and sign the paper to receive full credit  Bring in your composition notebook ASAP! It is critical that you have one to leave in class. If you cannot get one, please let me know before you leave today.

5 Cellphones  Some class activities will require a cell phone or other electronic device with internet access  Refer to the color on the board  RED=NO electronics, out of sight and silent  GREEN=GO ahead and use electronics appropriately  1 st warning-verbal warning  2 nd warning-teacher pick up  Refusal to give to teach will result in calling of administration immediately  If this is a daily habit, parents will be called and administration will be notified

6 Classroom Locations  Look around the room and become familiar with where everything is located  QUESTIONS?  Class pets-ideas??

7 Classroom Procedures  We will review them until they become routine  Entering Class/ First 5 minutes  You should immediately find your seat and begin your Bell Ringer before the bell rings.  Starters are meant to test your knowledge of the material, ­you should not speak to any classmates during this time. These are graded for completion.  Bathroom  You will all be issued three passes to last you nine weeks. Any leftover passes can be cashed in for extra credit at the end of the quarter.  No bathroom breaks the first or last 10 minutes as per student handbook  Procedure for class discussion  Raise your hand before speaking.  I will often call on students randomly, you are expected to try and answer. It is fine if you are not sure, just share your best guess.

8 Classroom Procedures cont.  Rewards and Consequences  Each day you start over in my class. Each day you are allowed one warning for minor misbehavior­­ talking during presentation, out of seat, etc. ­­and then the next consequence is detention. If the behavior continues, I will contact your parents and then administration. I prefer to handle things in house but ultimately it is your decision.  REWARDS­­ As a class, you have the chance to earn one major reward. You, as a class, will vote on the reward when that time comes.  Labs/Activities  You can work as a group but you must complete the role assigned to you.  Stay with your group at your assigned station. Do not leave your assigned area.  We will go over lab safety, but keep in mind to show respect towards all school property

9 Classroom Procedures cont.  General  Raise your hand before leaving your seat.  Stay on task during group work.  Homework assigned will be due at the beginning of class.  All forms of cheating result in an automatic zero.  Ask questions whenever you need help! Ultimately I am here to help you learn and grow as a student and I want to do my part to make you successful this year and your future years!!  Let’s have a great year!

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