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By Lourdes Peralta, Sarah Samuel, and Miguel Beal.

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Presentation on theme: "By Lourdes Peralta, Sarah Samuel, and Miguel Beal."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Lourdes Peralta, Sarah Samuel, and Miguel Beal

2  Intelligence is the ability to learn or understand situations.  Intelligence includes problem solving abilities, spatial manipulation and language acquirement.

3  Analytic intelligence: The ability to identify and define problems. Also to find strategies to solving them.  Creative intelligence: The ability to generate solutions that other people do not.  Practical intelligence: The ability to apply and implement these solutions in everyday settings.

4  There is exactly 8 middle-level abilities: Memory, learning, visual perception, auditory perception, retrieval ability, cognitive speediness, processing speed, crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.  Fluid intelligence: Ability to process information.  Crystallized intelligence: The accuracy and amount of information available for processing.  Procedural knowledge: How to do things  Declarative knowledge: Fact based information

5 1. Linguistic 2. Logical-mathematical 3. Spatial 4. Musical 5. Bodily-kinesthetic 6. Interpersonal 7. Intrapersonal 8. Naturalistic

6  Prodigies: People of normal intelligence who have an extraordinary ability.  Savants: People of low intelligence who have an extraordinary ability.  Heritability Coefficient: A statistic that describes the proportion of the difference between people’s score that can be explained in their genetic makeup.  Two-factor theory of intelligence: Suggested that every task requires a combination of a general ability and skills that are specific to the task.




10  Genetics and environment determine intelligence.  Evidence of genetic influences:  Siblings taken care of together in the same home have IQ’s that are more similar than those of adopted children raised together in the same environment.  Evidence of environmental influences:  School attendance has impacted on IQ scores.

11  Flynn effect means that our generation’s IQ is higher than generations ago.  Average intelligence test score has been rising by about 0.3% every year, which is to say that the average person today scores about 15 IQ points higher than the average person did 50 years.

12 1. Minimize television watching 2. Exercise 3. Read challenging books 4. Early to bed, early to rise 5. Take time to reflect

13  elligence elligence  http://www.merriam- http://www.merriam-  ways-to-make-the-most-of-your-intelligence/ ways-to-make-the-most-of-your-intelligence/  psychology/ss/multiple-intell_4.htm psychology/ss/multiple-intell_4.htm

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