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Bell work 8/30/10 the world series although it is exciting sometimes is to slow paced for me and my mom we think.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell work 8/30/10 the world series although it is exciting sometimes is to slow paced for me and my mom we think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell work 8/30/10 the world series although it is exciting sometimes is to slow paced for me and my mom we think

2 SEC 1 THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION BEGINS The shift of production from simple hand tools to complex machines. 1750-1850

3 A Turning point in History Industrial Revolution started in Britain In 1750, most people worked the land using simple handmade tools. They made their on clothes and grew their own food. Then the Industrial Revolution began. Many people began to leave behind the rural way of life. By 1850s many country villages had grown into industrial towns and cities.

4 What Changed Inhabitants bought food and clothes in stores that offered a large variety of machine made goods. They worked indoors behind a counter, desk, or factory machine. Between 1840-1855 more stunning changes occurred. Creating our familiar world of skyscrapers cities and carefully tended suburbs. Cars, airplanes, TV, and antibiotics made their appearance.

5 A New Agricultural Revolution Dutch led the way during the new Agricultural Revolution. They built dikes to reclaim land from the sea. They combined smaller fields into larger ones to make better uses of the land and used fertilizer from live stock to renew the soil ( chicken do do) 1700s pioneers of this time Charles Townshend- urged farmers to grow turnips Jethro Tull – invented seed drill Robert Bakewell – bred stronger horses to farm.

6 Enclosure Movement Enclosure- process of taking over and fencing off land formerly shared by peasant farmers. As millions of acres were enclosed, farm output rose. Profits also rose because large fields needed fewer people to work them. When the smaller farmers were forced off their land. They moved to the cities where they formed a growing labor force to work the machines of the Industrial Revolution.

7 Population Explosion Agricultural revolution contributed to a rapid growth of population. Britain's population rose from 5 million in 1700 to 9 million in 1800. France 18 million in 1715-26million 1789. Europe 120 million -190 million in the same time period. Better hygiene and sanitation improved medical care further slowed death rates.

8 Energy Revolution From the beginning human muscle and animal muscle was used to provide energy for work. In time, wind mills and water mills would take over. Coal was also used to develop energy for the steam engine. Thomas Newcomen developed a steam engine powered by coal to pump water out of mines. James watt- improved on Newcomen’s engine Watt’s steam engines would become the vital power source of the early Industrial Revolution.

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