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M AKING P ARENT I NVOLVEMENT W ORK FOR Y OU. O UTCOMES 1. State the benefits of parent involvement. 2. List the 8 essential elements of effective parent.

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Presentation on theme: "M AKING P ARENT I NVOLVEMENT W ORK FOR Y OU. O UTCOMES 1. State the benefits of parent involvement. 2. List the 8 essential elements of effective parent."— Presentation transcript:


2 O UTCOMES 1. State the benefits of parent involvement. 2. List the 8 essential elements of effective parent involvement (as identified by the State Board of Education.). 3. Describe ineffective and effective ways to conduct a parent conference. 4. Assess personal parent conferencing skills. 2 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

3 R EMEMBER T IMES H AVE C HANGED “Your daughter is a pain...” Parent Involvement Consist of More Than Parent Conferences. 3 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

4 T IMES HAVE C HANGED “ Well, if my son does have a belligerent attitude, then he must have picked it up here at school.” Welcome Biological, Adoptive, Single, Surrogate, Foster Parent-Teacher Conference 4 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

5 R EMEMBER T IMES H AVE C HANGED “Your son carved his initials in his wooden classroom desk and argued that he was merely doing desktop publishing.” “I didn’t write the book report, I downloaded and printed it directly from the Internet, but I did collate and staple it myself.” 5 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

6 R EMEMBER WHAT THE TEACHER DOES 6 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

7 E FFECTIVE P ARENT I NVOLVEMENT 8 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS According to the NC State Board of Education Policy 1. Communication 2. Parenting 3. Student Learning 4. Volunteering 5. Advocacy and Decision- Making 6. Training 7. Community Collaboration 8. Student Health 7 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

8 Do you facilitate regular, two-way, and meaningful communication with parents? Communication Do you promote and support responsible parenting? Parenting Personal Assessment 8 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

9 Do you inform and involve parents so they can play an integral role in assisting with student learning? Student Learning Do you help to ensure that parents are welcome in the school? Volunteering Personal Assessment 9 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

10 Do you include parents as partners in the decisions that affect their children? Advocacy and Decision- Making Do you assess your skills and identify the training you need to meet the needs of parents and students? Training Personal Assessment 10 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

11 Do you collaborate with community agencies and access their resources? Community Collaboration Do you promote heath awareness and report concerns? Student Health Personal Assessment 11 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

12 V ANCE C OUNTY S CHOOLS E XPECTATION Aim 4 Strong Community, Parent and Business Partnership Increase the level and quality of parent involvement. Build stronger relationships with community leaders. Respond to the needs of the family. 12 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

13 Vance County Schools’ Expectations of Parents Visit the school often. Attend scheduled parent-teacher conferences Make sure the child gets to school on time Listen to the child Ask the child about his or her day Volunteer 13 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

14 Vance County Schools’ Expectations of Teachers Expect parents to visit the school Arrange scheduled parent-teacher conferences. Make sure parents are informed regularly. Establish good rapport with parents. Be a good example for students. 14 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

15 S TUDENT B ENEFITS OF P ARENT I NVOLVEMENT Earn Higher Grades Earn Higher Test Scores. Be promoted Pass their classes. Earn Credits Show Improved Behavior Graduate Go on to Post Secondary Education 15 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

16 W HAT M AKES A N I NEFFECTIVE P ARENT C ONFERENCE ? This is an example of an ineffective parent-teacher conference. There is tension between the two adults and they are both angry. 16 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

17 A N I NEFFECTIVE T EACHER C ONFERENCE Video Clip “Bad Teacher Conference” 17 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

18 A N I NEFFECTIVE T EACHER C ONFERENCE Teacher begins the conference with lots of negatives about the student. Teacher has an “attitude”. Teacher is using profanity. Teacher compares the student to another student. Teacher is not prepared to answer questions about the student’s progress. 18 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

19 W HAT IS R EALLY B EING C OMMUNICATED ?  Only 7% of what is communicated is in words.  53% of what is communicated comes from body language. 40% of what is communicated comes from the tone and feeling reflected in our voice, and how we say the words. Source: Sean Covey. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. A Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster, 1999. P.171. 19 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

20 W HAT M AKES A N E FFECTIVE P ARENT C ONFERENCE ? Here is a picture of a good conference, where the communication between the teacher and parent is great. 20 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

21 A N E FFECTIVE T EACHER C ONFERENCE Video Clip “Tips on How to Prepare for a Teacher Conference” 21 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

22 R EALLY L ISTEN …….  Listen with your eyes and your ears. Listen to the person’s words, but also to what they are not saying.  Stand in their shoes.  Practice mirroring-a mirror reflects. Repeat back in your own words what the other person is saying and feeling. 22 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

23 E FFECTIVE T EACHER O UTREACH P RACTICES Planned Efforts for Parent Involvement Make a Difference. Face-to-face Meetings Sending Materials Home Keeping in Touch About Progress 23 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

24 M IRRORING P HRASES  As I get it,…  So, as I see it,…  I can see that you are feeling…….  So, what you’re saying is……. Source: Sean Covey. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. A Fireside Book, Simon and Schuster, 1999. P.175. 24 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

25 C ONDUCTING AN E FFECTIVE P ARENT -T EACHER C ONFERENCE Be Prepared. Be Prompt. Be Patient.Be Positive. Be Professional. 25 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

26 C ONDUCTING AN E FFECTIVE P ARENT -T EACHER C ONFERENCE Share the Student’s Strengths. Talk about Areas That Need Improvement. Anticipate Questions. Have Data to Support Your Side. Provide Contact Information. 26 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

27 C ONDUCTING AN E FFECTIVE P ARENT -T EACHER C ONFERENCE Listen. Stay proactive. Anticipate Questions. Have data to support your side. Provide Contact Information and Follow-Up 27 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

28 C OMMUNICATION T ROUBLESHOOTING  Problem 1: Parent has no phone.  Problem 2: Parent has not shown up.  Problem 3: Parent complains about everything the school and teacher does.  Problem 4:  The parent doesn’t speak English. 28 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

29 U SE T EACHER S UPPORT A VAILABLE Ask for Help when You Cannot Get the Parent to Come In. Request an Administrator or Counselor to Be Present During the Conference Use the Support of the Nurse, Social Worker and Other Teachers. 29 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

30 P ARENT C ONTACT E XPECTATIONS AT SVHS Establish a Rapport With Parents Meet With Parents as Needed Early in the Course 30 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark

31 P ARENT C ONTACT E XPECTATIONS AT SVHS Interim Progress Report Report Card Distributed Every 3 Weeks Parent Contact Made Log Submitted During the Month 31 8/18/2010 Presenter: Wiilla C. Clark


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