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 A landform is a natural feature of the Earth's surface.

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2  A landform is a natural feature of the Earth's surface.

3  A large area of land that is flat or almost flat.

4  An area of high land that often has steep sides and can be flat or hilly on top.

5  A larger mass of land, smaller than a mountain.

6  Land with water of three sides, connected to the mainland.

7  Mound of sand formed by wind on seacoast or desert.

8  Watery land formed at the mouth of a river.

9  A deep valley with steep rock sides often with a river running through it.

10  Water habitat like that of swamps or marshes.

11  Large mass of ice moving slowly going downhill.

12  Barren area where little rain falls and few plants grow.

13  Large mound of earth larger than a hill.

14  Land between mountains or hills.

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