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Kingdom Protista The Kingdom that has all the eukaryotes that do not go in the other kingdoms.

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1 Kingdom Protista The Kingdom that has all the eukaryotes that do not go in the other kingdoms

2 Evolution of Protists Evolved from prokaryotes-Eukaryotic cell has symbiotic prokaryote inside- Two main branches: single celled protists and algae See p. 129

3 To Maintain Homeostasis, Protists Must live in moist environment adjust to moisture level-contractile vacuoles pump out water, for example Produce spores to keep from drying out under less than ideal conditions

4 Protista Cell structure Eukaryotic: have nucleus & membrane bound organelles Most single celled or live in colonies, algae multicellular

5 Reproduction for Protists Asexually: divide into two new organisms (binary fission) Sexually: exchange DNA through conjugation

6 Energy Requirements Can be autotrophic (plant-like) or heterotrophic (animal and fungi-like)

7 How Protists fit in the environment Decomposers, like slime molds (fungus- like) Producers: diatomes, euglena, algae etc. Parasites: cause disease (malaria, amoebas, etc)

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