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PBIS Overview Cedar Hill Elementary. Purposes of Presentation  To provide an overview of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)  To review.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Overview Cedar Hill Elementary. Purposes of Presentation  To provide an overview of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)  To review."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Overview Cedar Hill Elementary

2 Purposes of Presentation  To provide an overview of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)  To review the Cedar Hill Matrix and school-wide behavior expectations  To review our procedures for rewards and consequences

3 What Is Positive Behavior Support? PBS is a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior. OSEP Technical Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

4 In Other Words… School-wide Positive Behavior Support is a district or school’s process for teaching expected social and behavioral skills so the focus can be on teaching and learning.

5 Principles That Guide SW-PBS  Focus on discipline for academic & behavior success  Is for all students, all staff, and all settings  Emphasizes prevention  Uses research-validated practices  Is coordinated by a SWPBS team  Emphasizes an instructional approach  Uses data to guide decisions

6 Cedar Hill’s PBIS Components Universal procedures Proactive to prevent problem behavior Data Fluid Implementation of social skills lessons A lot of teaching Consistency throughout the school

7 Goal: Reduce Harm Specialized Individual Systems for Students with High-Risk Goal: Reverse Harm Specialized Group Systems for Students At-Risk Goal: Prevent Harm School/Classroom-Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings AcademicBehavioral Social Comprehensive, Integrated, Three-Tier Model of Prevention (Lane, Kalberg, & Menzies, 2009) Tertiary Prevention (Tier 3) Secondary Prevention (Tier 2) Primary Prevention (Tier 1) ≈ ≈ ≈ PBIS Framework Positive Action; Social Skills Improvement System

8 Cedar Hill’s Mission Statement  Cedar Hill students, staff, and families are committed to ensuring high levels of learning for all students and providing a positive, safe, and consistent climate that promotes student character.

9 Cedar Hill’s Vision Statement  We are a professional learning community of students, educators, and parents recognized for the excellence of our safe, student-centered environment, the character of our students and staff, and the involvement of parents and community partnerships.  We have an unwavering commitment to engage in meaningful collaboration with peers, parents and students to: discover and implement the best research-based practices, analyze student data ; and make informed decisions about differentiated instruction and student learning.  Students actively engage in hands-on learning, utilize technology on a daily basis, and achieve individually at their highest level as lifelong learners who are prepared for a globally diverse society.

10 Positive School-wide Expectations  Be Safe  Be Respectful  Be Responsible

11 Clear Set of Behavior Expectations = School-wide Expectations Matrix  A comprehensive list of expectations  Agreed upon expectations of all students & all staff  Based on data and behavioral concerns  Becomes basis for consistent language to use with students  See Matrix + weekly lesson plan!!!

12 What Are Procedures & Routines?  Procedures explain the accepted process for carrying out a specific activity, such as:  Walking in the hallway  Riding the bus  Using the playground  Attending an assembly  Going to the restroom  Procedures form routines that help students meet expectations.

13 The Science of Behavior  Students are not born with bad behaviors  Students do not learn better ways of behaving when given aversive consequences  To learn better ways of behaving, students must be directly taught the replacement behaviors  To retain new behaviors, students must be given specific, positive feedback and opportunities to practice in a variety of settings

14 Teaching Non-Classroom Procedures & Routines  Review and/ or practice steps prior to going to the setting  In the setting  Review steps  Have one student model while others watch and give feedback  Have all students practice

15 Components of an Effective Lesson Plan 1. Tell 2. Show 3. Practice 4. Feedback 5. Reteach

16 How to Effectively Encourage?  Clear and specific  Sincere and appropriate for student’s age  Avoid comparison/competition between children

17 When to Effectively Encourage?  Contingent on desired behavior  Applied immediately  Frequent encouragement during acquisition when students are learning a skill

18 What to Encourage  Expectations and rules from your school-wide expectations matrix.

19 Classroom Reinforcement System 4:1  Verbal specific feedback  Classroom reward system (individual to each teacher)  Clip Chart utilized  Skyhawk tickets (to reinforce lessons and school-wide matrix)

20 School-wide Reinforcement System  Skyhawk Star Charts  Weekly ticket drawings for a prize  Skyhawk Spin or Plinko

21 Examples of Specific, Positive Verbal Feedback  “Thank you for walking in the hallway. That was being safe.”  “Way to go, you had your homework finished and you turned it in on time. That is being responsible.”  “You are using an inside voice in the cafeteria. That is respectful.”

22 Cedar Hill - Tier 2 Supports  More intense services for students who are not responding to the school-wide universals  Teacher nomination form identifies students  Interventions include: Social Skills lessons with the counselor, Check-in / Check-out, etc.

23 Consequences  Reminders  Clip Down on clip chart  Safe Seat and Buddy Room  Think Sheets- take accountability  Office referral

24 Any Questions?

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