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Gift certificate instructions Substitute your own website banner image and resize as necessary Insert a product image and brief description Complete the.

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Presentation on theme: "Gift certificate instructions Substitute your own website banner image and resize as necessary Insert a product image and brief description Complete the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gift certificate instructions Substitute your own website banner image and resize as necessary Insert a product image and brief description Complete the product name and other necessary information Print the slide and use a paper cutter to trim it or save it as a PDF to deliver electronically. Makes a great unannounced bonus with a product!

2 Gift Certificate Free copy of Name of Product brief description From Your Name, Owner, Your Company [Persuade people to take out their credit card!] Instructions: Go to [URL], click the [name of button] button & use the xxx code to get $xx off. Expires x/x/2014 [if necessary]

3 Gift Certificate Instructions: Go to [URL], click the [name of button] button & use the xxx code to get $xx off. Expires x/x/2014 [if necessary] [EASILY create all the graphics you need![ Free copy of Name of Product brief description From Your Name, Owner, Your Company

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