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Modern Legislation and Activism. Anti-Latino Legislation California Proposition 187 in 1994 – Introduced as SOS (Save Our State) Initiative – Gov. Pete.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Legislation and Activism. Anti-Latino Legislation California Proposition 187 in 1994 – Introduced as SOS (Save Our State) Initiative – Gov. Pete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern Legislation and Activism

2 Anti-Latino Legislation California Proposition 187 in 1994 – Introduced as SOS (Save Our State) Initiative – Gov. Pete Wilson of California was major supporter – Calls on feds to control border and state will deny services to illegal immigrants – Passed by 17 votes

3 Anti-Latino Legislation Federal Appeals Court Judge Mariana Pfaelzer – Can’t regulate immigration through state because it is a federal power

4 Changes in Latino Population 1990-2002 – Population increases by 10 million – Border patrol are catching 10,000 undocumented people a week

5 Changes in American Attitude Increased hate crimes Terrorist attacks on WTC on 9/11/01 – Creates the USA-PATRIOT Act – Department of Homeland Security – Doubled efforts to control borders and deport illegals – Work place arrests rise to 750% – 73% don’t even involve criminal convictions

6 Anti-Latino Legislation 12/6/05 Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) and HR 4437 – Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act – Increase fencing and militarize border – Fines for illegals, felony charges for housing or hiring, illegal residency now a federal crime

7 Anti-Latino Legislation HR 4437 – Passed in the House of Representatives – Protests ensue May Day aka The Great American Boycott aka A Day Without Immigrants – Bill dies in senate and no immigration reform since then

8 Great Recession Ended rapid rise of immigrants By 2012, population flow is NET ZERO People still worry about jobs being stolen

9 Anti-Latino Legislation Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070 in 2010 – AKA “Show Me Your Papers” Law – State and local officials can check legal status of anyone for any reason – They can stop anyone for any reason; increased racial profiling

10 Problems in Immigration Parents are deported leaving children behind Always living in fear of deportation Children are stuck in legal limbo No easy path to citizenship

11 DREAM Act Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Applies to Dreamers Can get conditional residency then permanent residency 2012 Obama says he will stop deporting Dreamers Nothing has passed in Congress still


13 Changes in Latino Population 53% increase in Latino population Move out of West and southwest – Need more ESL services – Suburbs now have to deal with illegal immigrants – Drain on society – Rush towards citizenship and major swing vote contingency

14 Continued Attacks Language – Hector Garcia vs. Gloor Lumber and Supply Inc. – Bilingual Education Dual language to total immersion – No consistency across the nation Multicultural Education – May 2010 Arizona wants to stop ethnic studies in public schools

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