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Design Principles Design Elements. Elements vs Principles Principles = affect the arrangement of objects within a composition. Elements = the objects.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Principles Design Elements. Elements vs Principles Principles = affect the arrangement of objects within a composition. Elements = the objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Principles Design Elements

2 Elements vs Principles Principles = affect the arrangement of objects within a composition. Elements = the objects to be arranged.

3 Principles Balance Rhythm Proportion Dominance Unity

4 Balance Arrangement of the objects creating visual weight. Symmetrical or asymmetrical.

5 Horizontal symmetry A formal approach to balance Approximate horizontal symmetry

6 Radial symmetry Visual tension Informal balance Asymmetrical

7 Balance

8 Rhythm regular flowing progressive

9 Proportion Comparison of scale

10 Dominance/Scale Varying emphasis Establishes perspective

11 Dominance/Scale

12 Dominance/Emphasis

13 Unity: relationship of parts to whole ClosureContinuance Similarity, Proximity and Alignment

14 Unity

15 Additional concepts Contrast/opposition Positive/negative space Rule of thirds Visual center Color/Type

16 Design Elements Elements = the objects to be arranged Line Shape Value Color Space Texture

17 Line: path of a point

18 Shape: perceivable area Positive shapes: shapes of objects you place Negative shapes: spaces around these shapes

19 Value: relative light and darkness

20 Color

21 Space Overlapping most clearly establishes proximity. Diminishing scale: largest appears close, smallest is further away

22 Atmospheric perspective - close objects have greater intensity of color, detail and value contrast. Vertical placement - objects placed lower in the image as closer to us, and objects that are placed higher as being further away.

23 Color

24 Diagonals and Lines

25 Texture

26 Credits cipl/principl.htm cipl/principl.htm principles.htm principles.htm

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