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PeoplesVocab Mesopotamia/ Egypt India/China 10 20 30 40 50 Final Jeopardy.

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2 PeoplesVocab Mesopotamia/ Egypt India/China 10 20 30 40 50 Final Jeopardy

3 Question 1 - 10 A patriarchal society traces lineage and inheritance through the a. mother b. aunt c. uncle d. father

4 Answer 1 – 10 d. father

5 Question 1 - 20 What is irrigation? a. Draining swamps for farm land b. Clearing forests for farm land c. The act bringing water to areas that need it d. Burning vegetation to enhance fertilization

6 Answer 1 – 20 c. The act bringing water to areas that need it

7 Question 1 - 30 The Silk Road was a. a road made from silk b. trade routes from the Middle East to India & China c. a trade route from Egypt to India d. a road from Rome to Paris

8 Answer 1 – 30 b. trade routes from the Middle East to India & China

9 Question 1 - 40 What is the difference between a monotheistic religion and a polytheistic religion? a. Monotheistic worships many gods and polytheistic worships one god b. They are the same thing c. Monotheistic worships one god and polytheistic worships many gods d. Polytheistic worships many gods and monotheistic recognizes the spirits in nature

10 Answer 1 – 40 c. Monotheistic worships one god and polytheistic worships many gods

11 Question 1 - 50 Which of the following correctly defines a social hierarchy? a. a system in which lineage and inheritance is traced through the father b. a system in which people or things are placed in a series of levels with different importance or status c. a system in which lineage and inheritance is traced through the mother d. a system in which equal value is placed on people, regardless of age or gender

12 Answer 1 – 50 b. a system in which people or things are placed in a series of levels with different importance or status

13 Question 2 - 10 Who was the first emperor and the first to unify China? a. Ashoka b. Gupta c. Hammurabi d. Qin Shi Hunagdi

14 Answer 2 – 10 d. Qin Shi Hunagdi

15 Question 2 - 20 To whom is the first written code of laws attributed to? a. Ashoka b. King Tut c. Hammurabi d. Qin Shi Hunagdi

16 Answer 2 – 20 c. Hammurabi

17 Question 2 - 30 To restore social order, harmony, and good government, Confucius believed it was necessary for society to be organized around what general category? a. values b. golden rules c. relationships d. social classes

18 Answer 2 – 30 c. relationships

19 Question 2 - 40 Which of the following is NOT one of Ashoka’s achievements? stops b.public wells c. roads a.hospitals

20 Answer 2 – 40 B. public wells

21 Question 2 - 50 The Phoenicians contributed greatly to written communication by introducing the first use of a. phonetic symbols b. hieroglyphics c. cuneiform d. pictographs

22 Answer 2 – 50 a. phonetic symbols

23 Question 3 - 10 One reason for the development of an early civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates river valleys was that a. the location protected the people from land invasion b. periodic flooding left rich soil, which was ideal for farming c. these rivers provided a direct trade route between Europe and Asia d. these rivers flowed into the Mediterranean Sea

24 Answer 3 – 10 b. periodic flooding left rich soil, which was ideal for farming

25 Question 3 - 20 How did the Sumerians solve the flooding problem? a.built their cities on stilts b.dug ditches to divert the water c.moved their cities to the mountains d.they didn’t and the cities were destroyed

26 Answer 3 – 20 b. dug ditches to divert the water

27 Question 3 - 30 The religion of the early Hebrews, Judaism, was unique from other groups in Mesopotamia in what way? a. The Hebrews were polytheistic and the other Mesopotamian groups were monotheistic b. They were animistic c. The Hebrews were monotheistic and the other Mesopotamian groups were polytheistic d. They denied the belief of God

28 Answer 3 – 30 c. The Hebrews were monotheistic and the other Mesopotamian groups were polytheistic

29 DAILY DOUBLE! That city grew old and the gods that were in it were old. There was Anu, the lord of firmament, their father, and warrior Enlil their counselor, Ninutra the helper, and Ennugi watcher over canals; and with them also was Ea. In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied, the world bellowed like a wild bull and the great god was aroused by the clamor. Enlil hear the clamor and he said to the gods in council, “The uproar of mankind is intolerable and sleep is no longer possible by reason of the babel.’ So the gods agreed to exterminate mankind. What can be inferred about Mesopotamian society based on the passage above? a. The civilization worshiped warrior-kings b. Mesopotamians were polytheistic c. Mesopotamians believe in reincarnation d. The civilization kept no written records

30 Answer 3 – 40 b. Mesopotamians were polytheistic

31 Question 3 - 50 One similarity between the social structures of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt is that they were both: a. patriarchal b. hierarchical c. egalitarian d. matriarchal

32 Answer 3 – 50 b. hierarchical

33 Question 4 - 10 What was a major advantage of the Chinese writing system? a. It developed from pictographs and could be read by other peoples b. People all over China could read it, even if they spoke other languages c. The Chinese written language has changed very little since 200 BCE d. All readers needed to know was a small number of pictographs

34 Answer 4 – 10 b. People all over China could read it, even if they spoke other languages

35 Question 4 - 20 Why was the two-bladed plow so important to the Chinese people? a. it allowed for the advancement of iron making b. more advanced farming was needed to feed the large population c. it allowed them to build the Great Wall d. it allowed them to farm the Gobi Desert

36 Answer 4 – 20 b. more advanced farming was needed to feed the large population

37 Question 4 - 30 Which characteristic did the early civilizations that developed along the Nile, the Tigris-Euphrates and the Huang He (Yellow River) have in common? a. each society’s religious beliefs were based on monotheism b. urban communities were built using iron and steel tools c. the form of government in each community was based on male suffrage d. transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil, and natural waterways

38 Answer 4 – 30 d. transportation and communication were promoted by a mild climate, fertile soil, and natural waterways

39 Question 4 - 40 Which of the following associations is correct? a. Sanskrit – India, Hieroglyphics – Mesopotamia, Cuneiform – Egypt b. Hieroglyphics – Egypt, Cuneiform – India, Sanskrit – Mesopotamia c. Sanskrit – India, Hieroglyphics – Egypt, Cuneiform – Mesopotamia d. Hieroglyphics – Mesopotamia, Sanskrit – Egypt, Cuneiform – India

40 Answer 4 – 40 c. Sanskrit – India, Hieroglyphics – Egypt, Cuneiform – Mesopotamia

41 FINAL JEOPARDY Identify the correct area for each RVC. Area A Area D Area C Area B

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