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What is the difference between mental health and emotional health?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the difference between mental health and emotional health?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the difference between mental health and emotional health?

2  The overall well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationships with other people.  Life expectancy and quality of life are used to evaluate health

3  The number of years a person can expect to live.  In the past century life expectancy has increased by 30 years.  Better health care, nutrition, sanitation, and working conditions

4  The degree of over all satisfaction that a person gets from life.  Usually a goal of many people to have a high quality of life.  Goal is a result that a person aims for and works hard to reach.

5  Physical health  Mental Health  Emotional Health  Social health  All important aspects to a person’s overall well- being

6  How well your body functions  Able to carry out everyday tasks without getting overly tired  Healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and proper medical and dental care are all important for physical health

7  The state of being comfortable with yourself, others, and with your surroundings is called mental health.  Mind is alert, you can learn from your mistakes, you recognize your achievements.  Emotional Health refers to how you react to events in your life  Take time to relax, and share your feelings with others

8  How well you get along with others.  Being able to make and keep friends is one sign of social health.  Involves loving relationships, respect the rights of others, and give and accept help.  Necessary to work towards good social health  Get involved with others, and build strong relationships with members of your family.

9  A continuum is a gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another.  Are you in perfect health or in poor health?  Black and white *In a health continuum there are many stages in between. Its not just one way or the other.*

10  Left side is Illness  Right Side Wellness  Many choices you make on a daily basis affect your position on the health continuum.  What things/choices can sway you one way or the other on the continuum?

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