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Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy and Policy Influencing KOEN.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy and Policy Influencing KOEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy and Policy Influencing KOEN W. TOONEN ARJOLA AGOLLI Tirana 7 – 9 April 2010

2 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Policy Influencing Steps

3 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Policy Influencing Cycle 12710.232 Key audiences and targets Impact on primary beneficiaries Managing network dynamics Assessing outcome Mapping of policy process Stakeholders and interests Visibility: lobby, media, campaign Delivery of Final message Birth of early message Concerted action plan Preparing deliverables Fact finding Define policy issue Primary beneficiary consultation Resourcing action plan Alliance building Identify the policy issue Targeted networking

4 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Dimensions of Policy Influencing For the beneficiaries and marginalized With the beneficiaries and marginalized By the beneficiaries and marginalized

5 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. PI Cycle - bricks 1.Identify the PI issue 2.Define the issue 3.Birth of the Message 4.Design of the PI Strategy and Plan 5.Delivery of the Message

6 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. PI Cycle - mortar 1.Reflection 2.Networking 3.Preparing 4.Monitoring and Evaluation (continuous)

7 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. PI Cycle - tools 1.Facts and research 2.Beneficiary influence 3.Stakeholders and interest: power analysis 4.Mapping of the Policy Process 5.Alliance Building 6.PI Strategy (plan and budget) 7.Positioning 8.Do it: lobby, campaigning, media 9.M&E– Outcome Mapping (progress)

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