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IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting February 6, 2010 San Marcos, TX CPMT-Chapter in Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting February 6, 2010 San Marcos, TX CPMT-Chapter in Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting IEEE Central Texas Section Fall Planning Meeting February 6, 2010 San Marcos, TX CPMT-Chapter in Austin (Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology)

2 IEEE Central Texas Section CPMT-Chapter in Austin Leadership Team l Chair – Om P. Mandhana Email:, Ph# (512) l Secratary – Bhyrav Mutnury Email:, Ph# (512) l Technical Program Chair – Rohan Mandrekar Email:, l Technical Program Co-Chair – Paul M. Harvey, Ph#: (512) 838-8654 l Treasurer - Jonathan Burnett Email:, Ph# (512) l Webmaster – Daniel N de Araujo Email:, Ph# (512)

3 IEEE Central Texas Section CPMT-Chapter in Austin Election of New-Leadership Team l Chair and Treasurer of the Chapter completed 2 year term l The election committee members sent an email to invite names for the post of Chair, Treasurer and other posts also. l The deadline for filing the names was January 29, 2010 l Therefore, the election of new leadership team is not yet completed

4 IEEE Central Texas Section l Five meetings with invited Speakers were held in 2009 l 10 th Meeting: February 12, 2009 Invited Speaker: Dr. Paul Ho, Director of the Laboratory for Interconnects and Packaging at The University of Texas at Austin Topic: Packaging Effects on Mechanical Reliability of Cu/low k Interconnects l 11 th Meeting: June 4, 2009: Invited Speaker: Glenn G. Daves, Director of Packaging Solutions Development at Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, TX Topic: Packaging Development and Market Alignment l 12 th Meeting: August 6, 2009 Invited Speaker: Dr. M. Baris Dogruoz, Senior Product Specialist, ANSYS Inc Topic: Advances in Thermal Modeling of Electronic Packages and Printed Circuit Boards CPMT-Chapter in Austin

5 IEEE Central Texas Section l 13 th Meeting: September 3, 2009: Invited Speaker: Sam Chitwood, Manager, Field Applications Engineering, Sigrity Inc., CA Topic: S-parameter Modeling for Signal and Power Distribution System Analysis l 14 th Meeting: October 1, 2009 Invited Speaker: Dr. Ali Akbar Merrikh, Senior System Designer, Thermo- Mechanical Engineering Team, AMD-Austin, TX Topic: LOW-PROFILE CHIPSET MICROPROCESSOR HEATSINK OPTIMIZATION FOR SERVER FORM FACTORS CPMT-Chapter in Austin

6 IEEE Central Texas Section 2009 Meeting Attendance Members Non Members Total Feb 12 08 12 = 20 June 4 09 10 = 19 August 6 05 07 = 12 September 3 07 10 = 17 October 1 06 10 = 16 CPMT-Chapter in Austin

7 IEEE Central Texas Section 3D Packaging Workshop from IEEE’s CPMT- Chapter in Austin March 27, 2009, at Freescale Semiconductor Parmer Lane Auditorium in Bldg A 7700 W. Parmer Lane Austin, TX 78729 Registered Participants = 37 (@ $75.00 Guest = 3 (Free) Invited Speakers = 13 (Free) Organizers = 06 (Free) Net Income = $ 2492.51

8 IEEE Central Texas Section CPMT-Chapter in Austin Overview 2008 l Meeting Location: Freescale Semiconductor, Austin, TX l Meeting Time: 1 st Thursday of month l No charge Don’t see this as a problem as long as small expenses (~$55-60) per meeting are supported by CTS-section l Attendance: Good (Average ~ ) l Speakers: Experts from Industries and Academia l 3D Packaging Workshop: Very successful

9 IEEE Central Texas Section Issues (if any) l We need to attract students to our Chapter meetings l We need financial support for Sponsoring Speakers

10 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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