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Power & Energy Society San Antonio Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting February 6 th, 2010 San Marcos, TX.

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Presentation on theme: "Power & Energy Society San Antonio Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting February 6 th, 2010 San Marcos, TX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power & Energy Society San Antonio Chapter IEEE Central Texas Section Spring Planning Meeting February 6 th, 2010 San Marcos, TX

2 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Leadership Team l Chair – Curtis Cryer CPS Energy; 210-353-2159; l Vice Chair – Warren Conner Cooper Industries; 210-859-7285; l Secretary – Ruben Corvalan AmpSafe; 210-957-2663; l Treasurer – Christina Gaydos Grubb Engineering; 210-658-7250; Webmaster – Jason Perez Grubb Engineering; 210-658-7250; Past Chair – John Brogan Retired; 210-342-0586;

3 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Updates 2009 Meeting Attendance Topic Members Non MembersTotal JanDigital TV Transition10 9=19 FebCompatiblity of the Electric Power Source and Load15 5=20 March Impact of New DOE Regulation and Environmentally Friendly Medium Voltage Transformer Installations 11 9=20 April Ethics1511=26 MayVFDs in Waste Water Treatment Applications 713=20 June Switchgear, Batteries & Chargers16 8=24 July San Antonio Electric Codes1814=32 Aug Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis System for Power Quality Monitoring of Commercial and Industrial Facilities 16 7=23 Sept Sensitive Electronic Equipment Grounding12 7=19 Oct Practical Arc-Flash Mitigation Techniques14 8=22 Nov Power Monitoring10 4=14 ________ 2009 Average =22 Average attendance at meetings: August 2005 – July 2006: 14 August 2006 – Dec 2007: 23 January 2008 – July 2008: 25 August 2008 – Dec 2009: 24

4 IEEE Central Texas Section Chapter Plans / Issues l Location will continue to be: Grady’s Barbeque 6510 San Pedro San Antonio, Texas 210-805-8036 l Price for meeting has not changed. Std Meal Purchase own meal a. Non Members $ 15 $ 5 b. Members $ 10 $ 1 c. Students Free Free l Our policy has been to not charge students an admission fee. l Not a problem since high student attendance is a rarity. l Students need this exposure to our professional organizations. l Started Year with $239.29 and now have $300.09 (Provided free meal in November)

5 IEEE Central Texas Section QUESTIONS??? Thanks

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