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IMPROVING GRADUATION RATES FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Interpreting Cohort Graduation data reports in conjunction with results from the annual English.

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Presentation on theme: "IMPROVING GRADUATION RATES FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Interpreting Cohort Graduation data reports in conjunction with results from the annual English."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMPROVING GRADUATION RATES FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Interpreting Cohort Graduation data reports in conjunction with results from the annual English language proficiency assessment January 2015

2 P RESENTERS Christopher Kelly The Virginia Department of Education Joe LeGault Roanoke County Public Schools

3 O VERVIEW An overview of the data collected Federal Graduation Indicator Used for AMO and reported to US Dept of Ed Understanding FGI Reports FGI Summary Report FGI Detail Report FGI Cohort List Relating ACCESS Data to your FGI

4 O VERVIEW OF THE D ATA Statewide unique identifier for every student State Testing Id (STI) Standardized definitions for common data elements Collected 4 times a year Fall → data as of Oct 1 st Spring → data as of March 31 st End of Year → data as of the last day of school Summer → only includes summer graduates

5 W HAT IS COLLECTED ON THE SRC? Demographics Program participation → to name a few…. Early College Scholar/Commonwealth Scholar AP, IB and/or ISAEP Career and Technical Education Gifted PK Experience Completion/Dropout status Attendance

6 B UILDING A L ONGITUDINAL D ATA S ET SRC Table Raw SRC data - multiple records for every STI SRC Table Raw SRC data - multiple records for every STI Cohort Table One record for each STI displaying the latest information on the student Cohort Table One record for each STI displaying the latest information on the student Cohort Snapshot Table A snapshot of the Cohort Table on a particular day Cohort Snapshot Table A snapshot of the Cohort Table on a particular day FGI & OGR cohorts are assigned during this process The snapshot “date” is the day before the first day of school (created after all EOY and Summer SRC data are verified but before the next FALL SRC) Virginia On-Time Grad Rate Federal Graduation Indicator Graduation Completion Index Each blue summary table includes data for the subgroups and an “as of date” “the movie” “the movie poster”

7 F EDERAL G RADUATION I NDICATOR (FGI) Federal graduation calculation Formula is an agreement between USED and VA Required for schools with a graduating class (high grade = 12) ESEA Flex Added FGI to AMO’s and AMAO’s

8 F EDERAL G RADUATION I NDICATOR (FGI) FGI is reported State Report Card FAMO Detail Report FGI Graduation Data lags a year 2014 report cards and FAMO Detail 2013 4-Year Cohort Data


10 W AYS TO M EET THE AMO The FGI benchmark for all subgroups is 80% Current Yr 4-yr rate If the cohort is less than 30 students, it is TS and not included Reduce non-grad rate by 10% Previous Yr 5-yr rate Previous to that 6-yr rate

11 FAMO R EPORTS 2013 Cohort

12 FGI DATA FOR 2015 FAMO: 1. 2014 4-yr FGI rate 2. R10 =.9 x (2011 4-yr rate) + 10 3. 2014 4-yr FGI rate is Too Small 4. 2013 5-yr FGI rate 5. 2012 6-yr FGI rate

13 F EDERAL G RADUATION I NDICATOR (FGI) Cohort is assigned the first time a student enters 9 th grade anywhere in a Virginia public school Data is continuously updated in the Cohort table until a diploma is earned If a student with an IEP or in an LEP program is ACTIVE on the last day of school of the 12th grade year Cohort assignment does not change

14 F EDERAL G RADUATION I NDICATOR (FGI) Includes only Standard, IB & Advanced Studies Diplomas Dropouts include any student whose latest status is “Unconfirmed” Transferred to another LEA but is assigned a new STI Reported transferred to another LEA but discontinued public schooling instead SSWS contains three FGI detail reports FGI Summary Report FGI Detail Report FGI Cohort List

15 R EVIEWING FGI R ATES It is recommended to review the FGI reports 2014 Cohort will be reflected on upcoming 2015 report card Analysis of the FGI Summary and Detail reports Review the subgroup data by division and school FGI Summary Report - A report of the percent of ESEA-defined on-time graduates by division and school for all students and ESEA subgroups. FGI Detail Report - A report of the elements used for the Federal Graduation Indicator. Details are provided for all AYP subgroups by division and school.



18 R EVIEWING FGI D ATA Use the FGI cohort list to identify which students did not graduate Data will show enrollment status and withdrawal codes Research students who have no Graduation – Completion status and no withdrawal code


20 E FFECTIVE PLANNING Develop a plan to address LEP students needs.

21 A SSUMPTIONS Districts enrollment and identification process for LEP students. Districts instructional model offers multiple approaches and paths to success. District uses the Wida Wapt and ACCESS tests for ELL leveling and reporting.

22 T HINGS THAT MUST BE KNOWN Prior Schooling - As much information about previous schooling should gathered prior to schedule setting. This includes accurately translated credits from all previous schooling. Validation test results - If there are courses on the transcript that do not align exactly, students may test for verification of content mastery. These must be completed before a schedule can be set.

23 T HINGS THAT MUST BE KNOWN Wapt results - The student’s level is critical and gives you the best evidence to determine an early path for success. Student/family goals – A good understanding of the individual student’s goals and aspirations will help you and the families align on the amount of time and effort to achieve said goals.




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