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Conditioning By Andrew Hawes. Classical Conditioning Defined as a form of learning in which reflex responses are associated with a new stimuli. Pavlov’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Conditioning By Andrew Hawes. Classical Conditioning Defined as a form of learning in which reflex responses are associated with a new stimuli. Pavlov’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conditioning By Andrew Hawes

2 Classical Conditioning Defined as a form of learning in which reflex responses are associated with a new stimuli. Pavlov’s Dogs Experiment- dog trained to salivate at the sound of a bell The mind associates a stimulus that is completely neutral to be paired with an action or reflex. (example: students immediately standing when a bell rings at school) Unconscious reaction, not thought about

3 Classical Condition Neutral Stimulus- stimulus that evokes no response. (bell) Unconditioned Response- natural reflex to stimulus (salivating at smell of food) Unconditioned Stimulus- a stimulus that is able of evoking a response (food’s ability to make mouth water) Conditioned Stimulus- a stimulus that creates a response because of it repeatedly being pared with an unconditioned stimulus. Mind associates neutral stimulus with unconditioned response. (Dogs salivating at sound of bell)

4 Classical Conditioning Generalization- similar stimuli being pared together and interpreted as the same. (dog salivating at sight of bag that looks similar to its food bag) Spontaneous Recovery- learned response re-appearing after time when it was extinct.

5 Operant Conditioning Defined as learning based on the consequence of responding Skinner Box Can be reinforced by either negative or positive consequences. Example: a rat receives a piece of food every time a lever is pulled. Actions are supported by Operant Reinforces

6 Classical Vs. Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning is unconscious where as Operant Conditioning is done deliberately based on what consequences are expected.

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