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Presenter Carolyn Tunstall, IPP Coordinator November 9, 2009 GC Prevention Activities In New Jersey.

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1 Presenter Carolyn Tunstall, IPP Coordinator November 9, 2009 GC Prevention Activities In New Jersey

2 Gonorrhea Overview The state of New Jersey reported 5,298 GC cases in 2008. The NJSTD program is divided into three Regional Areas.  Region I reported 1,662 cases of GC ( 31%)  Region II reported 1,470 cases of GC ( 28%)  Region III reported 2,166 cases of GC ( 41%)

3 Trends in Reported Gonorrhea Cases 1998-2008 GC Cases New Jersey Newark, NJ

4 NJ STD Cases Reported by Regions, 2008 Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis REGION I Essex REGION II Bergen Hudson Hunterdon Middlesex Morris Passaic Somerset Sussex Union Warren REGION III Atlantic Burlington Camden Cape May Cumberland Gloucester Mercer Monmouth Ocean Salem

5 2008 Gonorrhea Cases in Newark, East Orange, and Irvington Zip CodeGonorrhea 2008 Case Newark0710261 07103209 0710483 0710550 07106125 07107107 07108166 07112171 0711429 All Other14 East Orange07017134 07018119 Irvington07111200 Essex County

6 Gonorrhea Cases by Age and Sex – New Jersey (2008) 55% 15-24yrs MalesFemales <15 15-19 20-24 25-29 50-54 55+ 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 GC Cases Age

7 Gonorrhea Cases by Age and Sex – Newark, NJ (2008) 55% 15-24yrs MalesFemales <15 15-19 20-24 25-29 50-54 55+ 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 GC Cases Age

8 Trends in Reported GC Cases by Race/Ethnicity Over Time, 2004 -2008 GC Cases

9 Gonorrhea by Age Group and Provider Type, 2008

10 GC/CT Case Report Data by Provider Type, 2008 Facility TypeGC CasesCT Cases HIV Test Sites471 STD Clinics10381872 Drug Rx Clinics13 Family Planning6595336 Prenatal/Obstetrics2181936 Other Clinics4842674 Private Phys./HMO9045843 Hospital (Inpatient)8862565 Emergency Room9651461 Correctional Facility88372 Laboratory1471 School-Based Clinics1262 Military04 Unknown25135 Total529822405

11 2009 GC Prevention Activities Newark,Trenton & Camden STD clinics started offering urine screenings for GC/CT to females and males (< 26 years of age). Collaborating with NJCRI Mobile unit- to screen adolescences in “hot spots.” Options for Women- New GC/CT site for female adolescences. Essex & Hudson County Juvenile Detention Center- collaborates w/ STD field staff to ensure patients and partners are treated in timely manner for CT/GC.

12 2010 GC Action Plan Partnership w/ “key” stakeholders in Essex County. Partner with community “leaders” Collaborate w/ AHEC Mobile Unit- Camden County. 8 STD clinics- urine screening for GC females/males < 26 years of age.

13 Barriers/Challenges…… Limited Resources ( reduction in funding & personnel). Training being available for all employees. Establishing partnerships Patients having access to care ( many rural clinics in Region 3). Due to limited staff, STD clinics reduced hours of operations. Many patients ( target population) are uninsured and utilize hospitals, emergency rooms for care.


15 Thank You!!!

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