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Alliant International University The Southern California Biotechnology Center Bogdan Nita, Josolyn Hill, Wei Fan (Max) Wu, Sombat (Art) Laotaveesuk.

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Presentation on theme: "Alliant International University The Southern California Biotechnology Center Bogdan Nita, Josolyn Hill, Wei Fan (Max) Wu, Sombat (Art) Laotaveesuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alliant International University The Southern California Biotechnology Center Bogdan Nita, Josolyn Hill, Wei Fan (Max) Wu, Sombat (Art) Laotaveesuk

2 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Discussion of Theories 3. Company Information 4. Conclusion

3 Introduction  National Hotspot  More than 500 biotech companies  5.8 billion annual gross production  Over 55,000 people employed  Growth rate 12.3%

4 Introduction Cont…  The Nature of the industry  Innovation  Creativity  Highly technical work  Industry Employment Demands  Highly educated  Highly skilled  Business acumen

5 Southern Cal Biotech Center  One of twelve training centers  Serves the demands of the industry  Educates future employees  Applied settings  Business savvy  Cuts down on the time to market

6 Operational Thinking in SCBC  Operational thinking in pertains to the method utilized for accomplishing the tasks of the organization, for providing the necessary services and for searching certain areas of interest for the people that the program tends to serve

7 Operational Thinking in SCBC  Operational thinking is exercised in terms of the organization’s current situations.  operational thinking is necessary in order for the organization to produce the demand of its benefactors.

8 Strategic Thinking in SCBC  Strategic thinking in SCBC pertains to the method used in creating long-term goals that benefits all the benefactors of the organization  The use of strategic thinking benefits the organization in terms of broad and comprehensive coverage of the goals of the organization that consists of the following..

9 Strategic Thinking in SCBC  Figuring out the necessary official proceedings and protocol, strategic thinking best serves what needs to understand and impose accordingly.  Identifying the specific institutions and organizations that the goals need to serve.  Exploring what needs to be accomplished in the span of extensive organizational operations.  Identifying how the company could best accomplish the short-term goals. This may involve working with its partners

10 Management Foresight  The management theory that SCBC apply is having ability to create institutes such as:  BIOCOM  To provide students with hands-on experiences within the life sciences industry  To better equip our high school teachers  To prepare our future scientific workforce.

11 Correlation  The SCBC promotes, organizes, develops and participates in premier outreach programs to students to expand their knowledge about science careers which is the success factors that this industry use to measure the strategic thinking and planning model.

12 Real World Results One YearFive YearTen Year Support to regional CCC programs/classes - Curriculum, Supplies, Transfer of donations, Faculty training - Internship programs (LSSI) Highlight: New Certificate @ Miramar to meet Analytical Chemistry Needs Support/incumbents Workers Counseling and Resume Services - Advertise (68 hours of support July/August 07) Transfer Students - Biotech inc. into req classes courses Training in LSSI for CCC faculty Two week curriculum + externship exposure LSSI - Internship program (High School) with San Diego Workforce Partnership High School teacher Training in LSSI - Ongoing support with AMGEN Program - 60 teachers trained - Over 3000 students reached Articulation Program (tech Prep0 - 97 H.S. students received college credit Counselors Day - 4 th Annual Held March 2007


14 Balance Scorecard  Development In the early 1990’s Dr. Robert Kaplan and David Norton  new approach to strategic management  view an organization from the following four perspectives:  The Learning and Growth Perspective, The Learning and Growth Perspective  The Business Process Perspective, The Business Process Perspective  The Customer Perspective, The Customer Perspective  The Financial Perspective The Financial Perspective

15 Balanced Scorecard  In order to measure the success of the firm and to implement which is vital to the continuous improvement and learning of any organization the balance scorecard approach allows a operational or strategic thinker the skills to bring about efficiency and innovation.  The balance scorecard approach enables a firm to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action; it provides feedback around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance

16 Analysis  Management Theories  Embodies the balance scorecard theory as well Strategic and Operational - creates value to the community, -the biochem environment and - Stakeholders benefit -Student -Teachers

17 The Strategy in SCBC  The Strategy in SCBC  Organization have numerous partners  SCBC needs to specify future reaching goals and at the same time conduct operational actions for the current situations  The Director states operational thinking as “The necessary actions need to be done on time and beneficial for all.

18 The Strategy in SCBC  The director state strategic thinking as specific faculty or workforce that currently needs the aid of the agency.  The strategic thinking is employed for the holistic future of the faculty and also employed in terms of planning for the program of specific workforce.  Conclusively strategic thinking must be primary because it deals with comprehensive agendas and long term goals  Operational thinking is exploring at the present but it does not stop there.

19 Conclusions  Southern California Biotechnology Center  Training students to meet demands  Promotes, organizes, and develops outreach programs  Creates value for the community  Generates benefits for Bio techs and stakeholders  Uses both strategic and operational thinking

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