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Welcome to our Nursery Phonics Workshop 2015. Aims of Session: To explore what phonics is. To become familiar with the sounds and actions used in Nursery.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Nursery Phonics Workshop 2015. Aims of Session: To explore what phonics is. To become familiar with the sounds and actions used in Nursery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Nursery Phonics Workshop 2015

2 Aims of Session: To explore what phonics is. To become familiar with the sounds and actions used in Nursery. To develop strategies that can be used to support your child at home.

3 Letter shape=grapheme Use lower case letters for all writing. Only use capital letters for names, and when children are ready at the beginning of sentences. Letter sound=phoneme. A letter consists of; a sound, a shape and it has a capital form and a lower case form. The letter sound is the first thing that children need to recognise. aaaaaaaaaa

4 Ant A a ACTION Wiggle fingers above elbow as if ants are crawling on you, and say a, a, a.

5 B b ACTION Place hands together as if batting a ball and say b, b, b.

6 Castanets Cc Kk ACTION Raise hands and snap fingers together as if playing castanets and say k, k, k.

7 D d Drum ACTION Pretend to hold drumsticks and beat a drum, saying d, d, d, d.

8 E e Egg ACTION Pretend to hold an egg with one hand, as if cracking it against the side of a bowl or pan, saying eh, eh, eh.

9 F f Fish ACTION Move hands in a wavy motion like a fish swimming in the sea, saying fffffff.

10 G g Go ACTION Get ready to go, saying g, g, g, go.

11 H h Hand ACTION Act as if panting after a race, holding hand up to mouth, and saying h, h, h.

12 I i Igloo ACTION Make an igloo shape using your hands, saying i, i, i, igloo.

13 J j Jelly ACTION Pretend to be a jelly, and wobble, saying j, j, j.

14 Castanets Cc Kk ACTION Raise hands and snap fingers together as if playing castanets and say k, k, k.

15 L l Lick ACTION Pretend to lick a lolly, saying llllll.

16 M m Melon ACTION Rub your tummy, as if you have seen tasty food, and say mmmmmmm.

17 Nose N n ACTION Tap nose with index finger, saying n, n, n, nose.

18 O o Octopus ACTION Imagine that you are an octopus wiggling arms up and down, saying o, o, o, octopus.

19 P p Puffing ACTION Hold up index finger, as if it is a lit candle, and imagine puffing it out, saying p.

20 QU qu Queen ACTION Bow or curtsy as though you are meeting the Queen, saying qu, qu, qu, Queen.

21 R r Rabbit ACTION Pretend to be a rabbit making your hands into rabbit ears above your head, saying r, r, r, rabbit.

22 S s Snake ACTION Weave like a snake, making s shapes, saying sssss.

23 T t Tennis ACTION Pretend to be watching a tennis match, turning head from side to side saying ttttt.

24 U u Umbrella ACTION Keep one hand steady and raise the other, as if opening an umbrella, and say u….u….u….up.

25 V v Van ACTION Pretend to be driving along in a van, saying vvvvv.

26 W w Wind ACTION Blow onto your open hands like the wind, repeating wh, wh, wh.

27 X x X-ray ACTION Pretend to take and x-ray with an x-ray camera, saying ks, ks, ks.

28 Y y Yogurt ACTION Pretend to eat yogurt from a spoon, saying y, y, yogurt.

29 Z z Buzz ACTION Pretend to be a bee, with elbows in, and hands flapping, saying zzzzzzzzz.

30 We are learning to hear sounds at the beginning of words. c a t d o g h e n

31 Phonics game – tray game

32 Phonics game – musical sounds

33 Phonics game – sorting ‘s’ and ‘a’ objects athletics style!!

34 InsideOutside 1.Labelling toys using initial, middle and end sounds. 2.Play dough with letter stamps and name cards. 3.Sorting objects by sound into 2 baskets or hoops. 4.Alphabet bingo. 5.Phonics games on IWB/Ipads. 6.Trays with sand and shaving foam for children to write letters in the sand and say the sound as they do 7.Look for sounds in books when having a bed time story. 8.Lucky dip. 1.Bikes – pick an object, ride and match to the correct letter. 2.Giant alphabet bingo chalked on the floor with giant counters. 3.Space hoppers – bounce on a letter and say the sound. 4.Letter hunt with clipboards. 5.Label buckets with sounds. Children to throw a bean bag into the bucket and say the sound. 6.Look for sounds in the environment eg. Sign posts and shopping Phonics Activities

35 Have FUN!!!!!! Be active Keep it cheap Keep it quick and snappy Enjoy family time. Thank you for coming today. When practising the ideas at home please remember to:

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