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Paul Revere.

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Revere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Revere

2 Paul Revere

3 Who was Paul Revere? Silversmith Patriot
Played in the Battles of Lexington and Concord Helped organize an intelligence and alarm system to keep watch on the British military Involved in the Sons of Liberty

4 Father His father, Apollo Rivoire, was a silversmith
Father died and handed business down to Paul.

5 Boston Massacre Revere produced a number of political engravings
His detailed map of the bodies was used at the trial Suggests first hand knowledge



8 Family Life First wife Sarah Orne died and he remarried Rachel Walker
Had 11 children between his two wives

9 What Really Happened? Revere and William Dawes were instructed by Dr. Joseph Warren to ride from Boston to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the British Army which was marching to arrest them and seize weapons.

10 William Dawes and Joseph Warren

11 Instructed Robert Newman, the sexton at the Old North Church, to hold 1 lantern in the steeple if the British were taking a land route and 2 lanterns if the British were coming by “sea” (by crossing the Charles River). This would allow the news to get to Charleston if Revere and Dawes were both captured. Newman and Captain John Pulling held two lanterns

12 Old North Church

13 What Didn’t Happen Paul Revere did not shout “The British are coming!”
“The regulars are coming out” Secrecy was of the utmost importance Hills were filled with British

14 Traveling On Revere, Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott headed on to Concord where the arsenal was hidden. Samuel Prescott was an ancestor of the Bushes

15 The trio came upon a road block.
Prescott escaped Dawes escaped, but fell from horse Revere was detained and his horse seized


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