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Anna Rivera. What is the SCA? SCA’s mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of our environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Anna Rivera. What is the SCA? SCA’s mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of our environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna Rivera


3 What is the SCA? SCA’s mission is to build the next generation of conservation leaders and inspire lifelong stewardship of our environment and communities by engaging young people in hands-on service to the land. The Student Conservation Association

4 What is the SCA? Started in 1957 by Elizabeth C. Putnam in Grand Teton and Olympic National Parks 4,000 interns in over 500 natural and cultural sites all over the US

5 NPS Academy Three phases: 1. Academy Launch 2. Summer Internship 3. Outreach Designed to build a 21 st century workforce for America’s national parks: highly motivated, contemporarily skilled and ethnically diverse Three themes: 1. Connections 2. Diversity 3. Legacy

6 Academy Launch Two spring break sessions: Grand Teton (March 5-9) Great Smoky Mountains (March 12-16) 30 diverse college students from all over the country at each session One week of exploring NPS career paths and learning how our national parks are managed


8 Summer Internship 12-week paid summer internship with the NPS Hands-on experiences in environmental education, resource management, volunteer coordination, trail maintenance, risk management, etc

9 Outreach Serve as Academy ambassadors by reaching out to fellow students on their campuses to generate interest for the 2013 NPS Academy program

10 How I got here

11 What I’ve been up to so far… North Manitou Island restoration interpretation Visitor use surveys on the island

12 What I’ve been up to so far… Vegetation Crew

13 What I’ve been up to so far… Wildlife Water Quality

14 Accomplishments Expanded on field experience Have a new set of skills to use in the future Greater sense of responsibility Better understanding of the value of both working as part of a team and working solo

15 Plans for the future

16 Questions?

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