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Houston, Texas January 2014 Ken Garrahan Chief of Visitor Services Southwest Region

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Presentation on theme: "Houston, Texas January 2014 Ken Garrahan Chief of Visitor Services Southwest Region"— Presentation transcript:

1 Houston, Texas January 2014 Ken Garrahan Chief of Visitor Services Southwest Region

2 Mission: “To administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.”


4 Landscape-scale conservation and science- based decisions Creating a connected conservation constituency Developing the conservation leaders of today and tomorrow

5 “Create an urban refuge initiative that defines excellence in our existing urban refuges, establishes the framework for creating new urban refuge partnerships and implements a refuge presence in ten demographically and geographically varied cities across America by 2015. ”

6 Mapping Standards of Excellence Urban Academy Urban Audience Analysis Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnerships


8 Stepping Stones of Engagement Mutually Beneficial Partnerships Sustainable Resources Equitable Access Asset to the Community Sense of Safety Sustainability

9 PRODUCTS TRAINED ON: 1) Audience Analysis Results & Tools 2) Urban Handbook 3) Standards of Excellence 4) Partnerships 5) Vision Collaboration refuge partnership LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Assess where their refuge/community is in meeting the Standards of Excellence and identify strategies to improve the site’s relationship with its urban community. Develop an action plan that meets the needs of the resource, the community and each of the programs and partners involved in the urban refuge partnership. Develop positive connections with urban community leaders and organizations to engage a more diverse audience in support of wildlife conservation.

10 State of science? What’s working on the ground? What does the community think? Understand barriers Engagement strategies

11 Engage communities where we aren’t present Nurture appreciation for wildlife conservation Focus on: Where we don’t currently have an urban refuge Significant population center Opportunities to leverage other efforts




15 Find Nature – Utilize existing non-Service lands and partner programs Recognize the Value of Nature – Environmental education, training and volunteers Care for Nature – Habitat restoration and protection

16 Moving forward in the Houston region. Ken Garrahan Chief of Visitor Services Southwest Region

17 Ken Garrahan Chief of Visitor Services Southwest Region

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