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Formation of Nation States in Europe: Italy, The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, & Russia.

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Presentation on theme: "Formation of Nation States in Europe: Italy, The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, & Russia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formation of Nation States in Europe: Italy, The German Empire, Austria-Hungary, & Russia

2 Stage 1 Stage 2

3 MazziniCavour Garibaldi Victor Emmanuel


5 Manet

6 MonetDegas

7  Criticize individualism  Pass lightly over individual liberty  Glorification of group loyalties (Nation & State)  What one wanted, in the present or future, could be described as historically necessary and bound to come.

8  Army size  Liberal Industrialists vs. Junkers  Refusal of necessary $$$ to build the army  Appointment of Bismarck (Junker)  Bismarck – “realpolitik”  Strengthen Prussia – 1 st goal  Unify Germany – 2 nd goal  Constitutional Struggle:  Refusal to raise taxes  Taxes collected anyway

9  “Not by speeches and majority votes… but by blood and iron.”  Denmark’s attempt to annex Schleswig  “All German” war against Denmark  Prussia occupies Schleswig and Austria gets Holstein  Austria denied passage to Holstein  Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks War)  Creation of the N. German Confederation  King of Prussia became the hereditary head


11 Renoir

12  Goal – A war between France and Prussia would bring the S. Germanic states to Prussia  Spanish revolution – invite the King of Prussia’s cousin to be their king  Hohenzollern family refused  France demanded what? What happened?  French demanded what?  The King politely refused – “ems dispatch”  Bismarck’s rewording leads to what?  Short war – Napoleon III taken prisoner – Third Republic declared in France  At Versailles – the German Empire is proclaimed

13 King Wilhelm of Prussia becomes the German Emperor Bismarck and all the Prussian Officers and Representatives from all the German states - 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

14  Election of a French Constituent Assembly by universal male suffrage.  France must pay reparations (5 billion gold francs)  Germany got the border region of Alsace and most of Lorraine

15 Berte Morisot

16  Compromise of 1867  Between the Germans of Austria-Bohemia and the Magyars of Hungary  Dual Monarchy

17 Alexander I Alexander II Alexander III

18 AbsolutismSerfdomIntelligentsia

19 Serdom Mir Land Allocation Zemstvos Duma??? Political Reforms – pushed by the LiberalsJudicial Reforms Bakunin Radical Societies

20 Alexander II Reforms Assassination Alexander III Repression

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