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A history of violence between Israel and the Arab Nations.

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1 A history of violence between Israel and the Arab Nations

2 Claims to the Land Jews, Palestinians, and Arabs all have claims ranging from 3000 years ago, to the 7 th Century Zionists- long displaced Jews start to return and claim their ‘homeland’ BALFOUR DECLARATION: British even stated that it was time the Jews were given their own land… WWII and the Holocaust put sympathies on the side of the Jews 1947: UN voted to separate Palestine into a Palestinian state and Jewish state (Israel) MAY 14 1947 ISRAEL IS CREATED

3 ISRAEL: DAY 2 May 15 th 1947 six Islamic states- Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia- attack! With all the fighting, the lands set aside for a Palestinian nation- namely the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (less than 50% of the lands, for more than 50% of the population)- are eaten up by Israel for ‘safety reasons’ or the attacking Arab nations Palestinians flee out of the country and into refugee camps. Intifadas: boycotts, protests, and violence towards civilians and soldiers erupt.

4 Suez Canal Crisis 1956 - Egypt takes control of the Suez Canal- which was under British control - Britain gets mad and joins forces with France and Israel to attack and take back the Canal. - Other major powers, like the US, argue its not fair and so Egypt is given back control of the Suez Canal which stops the fighting…. For a few months… -

5 Six Day War Egypt rallies to attack Israel again with more supplies, tanks, etc. Israel, seeing an immediate threat strikes air fields in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Israeli ground forces were then free to attack and fast Israel had few casualties and won the war in just 6 days! Israel gained Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank created a nice buffer zone between all Arab countries.

6 Yom Kippur Attack Yom Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays, is when Egypt’s new president, Anwar Sadat, set a new attack. idlsfj VS Israel loses land but the Prime Minister Golda Meir rallies a counterattack that regains most of the land.

7 Then the war rollercoaster really gets going..

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