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Theatre Festival Ars Praeventiva – The faces of technology Presenter Name Presentation Date Project submitted for European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA),

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Presentation on theme: "Theatre Festival Ars Praeventiva – The faces of technology Presenter Name Presentation Date Project submitted for European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theatre Festival Ars Praeventiva – The faces of technology Presenter Name Presentation Date Project submitted for European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA), 2015 Romania The Institute for Crime Research and Prevention inside the Romanian General Inspectorate of Police (I.C.P.C.)

2 Background 2013 - Eurobarometru study (more than 27,000 people from EU) : o the Internet users within the EU are very concerned with cyber security; o 76% of the respondents stated that the risk of becoming a victim increased compared to 2012; o 12% of Internet users admitted that they had at least one social network or email account broken; o more than half of the respondents considered they are poorly informed on the risks of cybercrime. Romanian Police – the Crime Prevention Institute identified the target - the young people, meeting 2 of the highest vulnerability criteria: o access to technology; o lack of full discerning capacity. The Romanian Police and BSA | The Software Alliance were partners since 2011: o BSA – international organizations comprising IT companies, including Adobe, Autodeks, Microsoft, Symantec etc.

3 Objectives 1. Addressing children, youngsters o a very vulnerable population o possibility of being victims or even perpetrators o using a manner appealing to them 2. Raising awareness about the new types of crimes o associated with technology o provided for by the legislation in the last 10-15 years 3. Raising awareness and involving other stakeholders o public institutions (especially the educational ones) o the technology makers (hardware and software producers and distributors) o mass-media, o families of the primary target group

4 Concept and timeline A theater festival for Bucharest high-schools o Main theme: threats that the use of new technologies raise for one vulnerable segment of the population – children and youngsters. o Participants had the freedom to shape their own messages based on pre-transmitted recommendations of the experts in cyber-crime and intellectual property rights related crime, as well as in crime prevention, and to explore, at the same time, artistic inclinations towards areas such as scriptwriting or acting. o Participants engaged creatively in the writing theatrical plays with preventive messages and stories inspired from the use of technology and, then, in the second part of the festival, to have such plays put on stage by the writers’ peers, Bucharest high-school students activating in high-schools’ amateurs theatrical companies. One school-year (September 2013-June 2014) Two stages: o Competition for creation of theatrical play scripts (October 2013-February 2014) Ten scripts were prized Public event o Competition of theatrical companies from high-schools for putting on stage one of the play (February 2014- May 30, 2014) Theatrical company of Grigore Moisil highschool won the contest Public representation and event

5 Organizers and partners Organizers o The Romanian Police – the Institute for Crime Research and Prevention o BSA | The Software Alliance Partners o The Bucharest Schools Inspectorate - contributed to the organizing of the festival by spreading the message among high-schools and supporting the organizers o MASCA Theatre - provided the venue for two of the three events of the festival and also professional guidance and judging o The National Children Palace - provided the venue for the final event of the festival, where the play was played in front of more than 250 high-school students by their peers o The Romanian Copyright Office (ORDA) - participated with specialized advice o The Association of IT&C Producers and Distributors (APDETIC) - provided prizes o Microsoft Romania – provided PR support and prizes o Mass-media partners: National Romanian Television (TVR) and online news platform, - provided free nationwide coverage

6 Resources In-kind contribution, no public funds Approximately 30 people involved: o 12 from the Romanian Police o 2 from the BSA o 2 from Microsoft Romania o 4 from the supporting PR agency o 4 from Masca theatrical company o 1 from APDETIC o 1 from ORDA (the Romanian Copyright Office) o 2 from the National Children’s Palace o 1 from Bucharest Schools Inspectorate o mass-media

7 Goals and outcome (I) The total number of high-school students informed about the project was more than 150,000. Project’s performance indicators: o Number of Bucharest high-schools reached by the information about Ars Praeventiva contest being organized Target: 104 high-schools. The Bucharest Schools Inspectorate spread the information among all Bucharest high-schools, so the target was reached; the indicator’s fulfillment was assessed during the first phase of the project, the play-scripts contest. o Number of preventive play-scripts submitted in the contest. Target: 50 play-scripts; the target was reached, as there were 55 play-scripts submitted and evaluated by the jury. The target assessment was made upon finalizing the submission of play-scripts in the first phase of the project, based on registration forms.

8 Goals and outcome (II) Project’s performance indicators: o Number of high-school theatre companies registered for the second phase of the contest. Target: 10; the target was reached, as there were ten high-school theatre companies registered for the second phase of the contest. o Number of theatre shows Target: at least one putting on stage of a theatrical play participating in the contest. The target was reached upon the final project event, when the play Eve’s alter-ego was put on the stage of the National Children’s Palace, before more than 250 children. o Creating a special section for promoting the project on the website Target: one sub-section created and operational; target reached, the project was promoted on the aforementioned website, info about the contest are still present thereon; number of accesses – over 5,000. o Gaining mass-media attention and coverage for the events organized within the project. Target: 3 press-events and media coverage for all of them. The target was reached, as there were the launching event, the first phase awarding event and the final/closing event. All of them were covered by mass-media.

9 Some visuals and media coverage

10 ars-praeventiva.htm ars-praeventiva.htm anunta-castigatorii-primei-etape-festivalului-ars-praeventiva.htm anunta-castigatorii-primei-etape-festivalului-ars-praeventiva.htm national-grigore-moisil-cadrul-festivalului-ars-praeventiva.htm national-grigore-moisil-cadrul-festivalului-ars-praeventiva.htm 1_524ae16fc7b855ff56e8f76f/index.html 1_524ae16fc7b855ff56e8f76f/index.html praeventiva-pentru-liceeni-bucuresteni/ praeventiva-pentru-liceeni-bucuresteni/

11 Some visuals and media coverage

12 Thank you for your attention! Contact details

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