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Why we’re considered a region…. The U.S. and Canada are both part of North America, and share the worlds largest “unprotected” border.

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Presentation on theme: "Why we’re considered a region…. The U.S. and Canada are both part of North America, and share the worlds largest “unprotected” border."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why we’re considered a region…

2 The U.S. and Canada are both part of North America, and share the worlds largest “unprotected” border

3 Mountains to both the East and West

4 Mount McKinley, 20,320 feet

5 Vast Plains and lowlands in the center


7 Lakes and Rivers play important roles in trade and industry in both the U.S. and Canada

8 Continental Divide: - A high point or ridge that determines the direction in which rivers flow.

9 Rich deposits of natural resources such as oil and coal are found in both places.

10 Today, the service industry employs most of the workers in both the U.S. and Canada. Most jobs located in urban centers…

11 Both the U.S. and Canada are “melting pots” People from both countries celebrate their heritage with pride.

12 Both were settled first by Native Americans, who were then pushed from their lands by European settlers.

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