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Using medical abbreviations and terminologly. Identify medical terms and abbreviations. Define suffixes and prefixes. Combine parts to make medical words.

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Presentation on theme: "Using medical abbreviations and terminologly. Identify medical terms and abbreviations. Define suffixes and prefixes. Combine parts to make medical words."— Presentation transcript:


2 Using medical abbreviations and terminologly. Identify medical terms and abbreviations. Define suffixes and prefixes. Combine parts to make medical words.

3 History of Medicine Hippocrates was Greek and was called the “father of medicine.” Most medical terms are derived from Greek or Latin

4 Root Words Root words are the beginning or start of a word. Like a plant a word has to start small and get bigger, also like a plant it starts at the roots.

5 Prefixes A prefix is added to the root word to add meaning and effect. A prefix often indicates location, time, or numbers.

6 Suffixes A suffix is added to the word after the root word to change its meaning. Often indicates the procedure, condition, disorder, or disease.

7 1.Liver 2.Gingiva 3.Head 4.Osteo 5.Organ 6.Kidney 7.Toungue 8.Bronchial 9.Bucca 10.Skin 11.Neck 12.Blepharo 13.Blood Vessel 14.Lung 1.Hepata 2.Gums 3.Cephal 4.Bone 5.Viscera 6.Nephro 7.Lingua 8.Bronchi 9.Cheek 10.Derma 11.Cervic 12.Eyelid 13.Angio 14.Pneumo

8 1.Rhino 2.Muscle 3.Red 4.Blue 5.White 6.Cell 7.Hydro 8.Blood 9.Hyper 10.Brady 11.Tachy 1.Nose 2.Myo 3.Erythro 4.Cyan 5.Leuko 6.Cyte 7.Water 8.Hema 9.High 10.Slow 11.Fast

9 In this section you will learn the way to say the terms like you belong in the medical profession. The slides before and after this slide have terms that are commonly said in the medical field.

10 The simplest of thing will help you to remember like if you remember the “Brady” bunch was a bit slow, then you will remember that Brady is slow. Or a tachometer tells how fast you engine is working, so tachy is fast. So try and find your own ways to remember.

11 1.< greater than 2.> less than 3.DNR do not resuscitate 4.prn whenever necessary milligram milliliter 7.L liter 8.Rx prescription 9.tsp teaspoon 10.VS vital signs 11.EKG electrocardiogram 12.EEG electroencephalograph 13.cath. catheter 14.B/P blood pressure 15.hs hours of sleep 1.spec. specimen 2.CPR cardio pulmonary resuscitation 3.pc post consumption 4.q every 5.q2h every 2 hours 6.QOD every other day half afternoon 9.BR bed rest auxialry 11.c/o complains of height 13.liq liquid 14.oob out of bed 15.npo nothing per oral

12 2 times a day 2.IV intervenest 3.hyper over/excessive 4.po post oral 5.qhs before bed 6.Pt patient 7.I&O intake and output after 9.c width 10.postop after operation 11.O2 oxygen 12.stat immediately 13.wt weight cubic centimeters 15.BRP bathroom 1.noct nocturnal morning 3.fx fracture 4.lab laboratory 5.ROM range of motion 6.w/c wheel chair 7.qid 4 times a day 8.amt. amount 9.dc discontinued 10.CA cancer 11.OPD out patient department 12.BM bowel movement 13.CBC complete blood count 14.s without 15.dx diagnosis 16.amb ambulate 17.H2O water


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