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Do-Now 11/12/15 Get out your claims paragraph from Tuesday. Put a Star * next to your claim Underline your evidence Put a squiggly line under your analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Do-Now 11/12/15 Get out your claims paragraph from Tuesday. Put a Star * next to your claim Underline your evidence Put a squiggly line under your analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-Now 11/12/15 Get out your claims paragraph from Tuesday. Put a Star * next to your claim Underline your evidence Put a squiggly line under your analysis

2 Sample South Africa has addressed its challenges poorly, especially in land reform, wealth distribution and HIV/AIDS. The section on land reform states, “Land reform has fallen far short of expectations…less than 7 percent of land has be redistributed.” This proves the claim that S.A. has addressed its challenges poorly because it is clear that the government has not made much progress at all on redistributing land, which is key for creating equality between black and white South Africans. Also, the statistics on wealth distribution indicate that 60-65% of wealth is concentrated in the hands of only 10% of the population; and, the top 10% is “almost exclusively, white.” The government is clearly not addressing this issue of wealth distribution, which proves it has addressed its challenges poorly, because these statistics show there is still vast inequality. Finally, the map on the Adult HIV Prevalence Rate, 2014, shows that South Africa has the highest rate in the world; greater than 10% of the population is affected by HIV/AIDS. This supports the idea that South Africa has addressed its challenges poorly because we all know how to prevent and treat AIDS, but South Africa still has such high rates. So, clearly, the government is not doing enough to solve this problem.

3 Peer Editing - Claim Does the person provide an answer to the question: “How well has South Africa dealt with its challenges?” If YES and it’s clear – give two points. If YES but it’s not very clear – give one point If NO – write on the paper that they are missing a claim

4 Peer Editing - Evidence Does the person provide 3 distinct pieces of evidence that supports their claim? Give TWO points per piece of evidence that is clearly stated AND clearly supports their claim. Give ONE point per piece of evidence that is clear, but may not fully support their claim. Write a comment to let them know which evidence does not fully support their claim If they are missing any evidence – write a comment telling them where to add evidence.

5 Peer Editing - Analysis Does the person explain HOW each piece of evidence supports their claim? Give TWO points per piece of analysis (6 total) that fully explains HOW their evidence supports their claim. Give ONE point per piece of analysis that says “This proves the claim…” but DOESN’T explain HOW – write a comment to let the reader know that they need to expand on their analysis If there is no analysis – write a comment to let them know they need to add analysis.

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