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Antoine Isaac Europeana – VU University Amsterdam Dagstuhl Multilingual Semantic Web seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Antoine Isaac Europeana – VU University Amsterdam Dagstuhl Multilingual Semantic Web seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antoine Isaac Europeana – VU University Amsterdam Dagstuhl Multilingual Semantic Web seminar

2 Europeana  24 M objects (images, text, sound and video)  From over 2.200 libraries, museums, archives  From 33 countries  For everyone “A digital library that is a single, direct and multilingual access point to the European cultural heritage.” European Parliament

3 Multilingual Access in Europeana

4 Dimensions of multilingual access  Interface  Search (q uery translation or document translation)  Result presentation  Browsing

5 Europeana's efforts  Interface translated into 26 languages  Query translation: only prototype  Query result filtering by country/language  Document translation (user enabled)  Semantic contextualization of objects Multilingual enrichment/annotation of metadata

6 Making metadata work for multilingual access

7 Current metadata in Europeana  Simple object records  Flat (text values)  Without language tags!  Only language-related info on metadata is at collection level Can be "mul" Need to change!  a new Europeana Data Model (EDM)

8 "Semantic layer" of contextual resources (concepts, persons, places, events...) Networked objects Cultural artefact Painting Sculpture Buildling Exploiting semantic relations e.g. “broader concept”, “place of birth”, “involved person”…

9 Multilingual metadata

10 Fetching already available linked data E.g., from libraries

11 Interoperability  Encouraging the use of RDF + common and simple elements

12 Interoperability  Encouraging the use of common and simple data elements Piano carré Pianoforte a tavolino Square pianoforte Tafelklavier Tafelpiano Taffel Pianofortes

13 Interoperability  mixed nature of eligible contextual resources: dictionaries, synonym/translation lists, thesauri, authority lists, gazetteers…  interplay: “semantic” data next to multilingual data

14 Simultaneous approaches  Getting richer semantic/multilingual metadata from providers  Fetching third-party contextual data and linking it to “un- contextualized” objects  Linking contextual data from an institution to another more general / more commonly used contextual dataset, …

15 Status and challenges

16 Current status  All this is work in progress and will take time R&D prototypes (EuropeanaConnect) showing the challenges of gathering appropriate multilingual tools and dataEuropeanaConnect  First tests of simple techniques in production portal: GeoNames (places) and GEMET (concepts) GeoNamesGEMET Encouraging, but illustrate issues with too naïve approaches (no NLP) and incomplete data Cheval Poison

17 Problems & requirements For providers & Europeana  Continue work on metadata  Benchmarking (cf. CHiC lab @ CLEF)CHiC lab  Positioning as consumers and contributors of data (cf Asun’s slides) For language-intensive tools and resources  Availability: open resources  Interoperability  Simplicity But not always! E.g., not only “first hit” translations  Scale: scalability of tools, number and scope of datasets  Many languages, some lesser-resourced (wrt. English)

18 Another illustration: VOICES project S o m e t h i n g e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t b u t n o t c o m p l e t e l y u n r e l a t e dVOICES Voice-based community-centric mobile services for social development  Easing communication on agricultural trade  Listing of products/prices via phone/radio  Pilot in Mali Challenges  Data-centric project, but language technology plays a crucial role  Objects should be provided with textual and audio labels (text-to- speech system) in different languages  Local languages: e.g., Bambara  Lack of resource: need low-cost, easy-to-adapt solutions Victor de Boer, VU Amsterdam (

19 Thank you Some slides based on Marlies Olensky and Juliane Stiller - Multilingual Web Workshop, June 11, 2012, Dublin

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