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wma mp3wav  What do you know about each of these tools and instruments?  Who uses it, and how it is used? Enr. Act. 1.

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2 wma mp3wav

3  What do you know about each of these tools and instruments?  Who uses it, and how it is used? Enr. Act. 1

4 HHHHow important are tools? EEEEach of us can be like a tool in the hands of God.


6 “Lesson 17: Ammon, a Great Servant,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon, (1997),57 “Ammon: A Great Servant,” Book of Mormon Stories, Ch. 23, pgs. 64-68

7 The four sons of Mosiah left Zarahemla to teach the Lamanites the gospel. They each went to a different city.

8 Ammon went to the land of Ishmael. As he entered the city, the Lamanites tied him up and took him to their king, Lamoni.

9 Ammon told King Lamoni that he wanted to live among the Lamanites. Lamoni was pleased and had his men untie Ammon.

10 Ammon said he would be one of the king’s servants. The king sent him to watch his flocks.

11 One day while Ammon and some other servants were taking the flocks to get water, Lamanite robbers scattered the animals and tried to steal them.

12 The servants who were with Ammon were scared. King Lamoni had killed his other servants who had lost animals to these robbers.

13 Ammon knew this was his chance to use the Lord’s power to win the hearts of the Lamanites. Then they would listen to his teachings.

14 Ammon told the servants that if they gathered the scattered animals, the king would not kill them.

15 Ammon and the other servants quickly found the animals and drove them back to the watering place.

16 The Lamanite robbers came back. Ammon told the other servants to guard the flocks while he fought the robbers.

17 The Lamanite robbers were not afraid of Ammon. They thought they could easily kill him.

18 The power of God was with Ammon. He hit and killed some of the robbers with stones, which made the rest of the robbers very angry.

19 They tried to kill Ammon with their clubs, but each time a robber lifted a club to hit Ammon, he cut off the robber’s arm. Frightened, the robbers ran away.

20 The servants took the cut-off arms to King Lamoni and told him what Ammon had done.

21 He wanted to see Ammon but was afraid to because he thought Ammon was the Great Spirit. The king was astonished at Ammon’s great power.

22 When Ammon did go in to see him, King Lamoni did not know what to say. He did not speak for an hour.

23 The Holy Ghost helped Ammon know what the king was thinking. Ammon explained that he was not the Great Spirit. He was a man.

24 The king offered Ammon anything he wanted if he would tell him what power he had used to defeat the robbers and to know the king’s thoughts.

25 Ammon said the only thing he wanted was for King Lamoni to believe what he would say. The king said he would believe everything Ammon told him.

26 Ammon asked King Lamoni if he believed in God. The king said he believed in a Great Spirit.

27 God created everything in heaven and on the earth, and He knows people’s thoughts. Ammon said that the Great Spirit is God.

28 Ammon said people were created in God’s image. He also said God had called him to teach the gospel to Lamoni and his people.

29 Using the scriptures, Ammon taught King Lamoni about the Creation, Adam, and Jesus Christ.

30 King Lamoni believed Ammon and prayed to be forgiven for his sins. Then he fell to the ground and appeared to be dead.

31 Servants carried the king to his wife and laid him on a bed. After two days the servants thought he was dead and wanted to bury him.

32 Having heard of Ammon’s great power, she asked him to help the king. The queen did not believe that her husband was dead.

33 Ammon knew Lamoni was under the power of God. He told the queen that Lamoni would awaken the next day.

34 She stayed by Lamoni’s side all night. The next day Lamoni got up and said he had seen Jesus Christ. The king and queen were filled with the Holy Ghost.

35 Lamoni taught his people about God and Jesus Christ. Those who believed repented of their sins and were baptized.


37  What does it mean to be “an instrument in the hands of [the Lord]”?  Let’s read Alma 17:9 Alma 17:9 Alma 17:9  An instrument is a tool.

38  After the sons of Mosiah repented, how did they prepare for their missions?  Let’s read Alma 17:2–3 Alma 17:2–3 Alma 17:2–3

39 WWWWhat are you doing now to share the gospel with others? WWWWhat can you do to prepare to be a faithful missionary?

40  Why did the sons of Mosiah want to go on a mission to the Lamanites?  Let’s read Alma 17:16 Alma 17:16 Alma 17:16

41 Why is it important that all of Heavenly Father’s children hear and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ?

42  What did Ammon hope for when he fought the wicked Lamanites?  Let’s read Alma 17:29 Alma 17:29 Alma 17:29

43  What did the Lord promise Mosiah about his sons?  Let’s read Alma 17:35 Alma 17:35Alma 17:35  How did the Lord fulfill his promise at this time?  Let’s read Alma 19:22–23 Alma 19:22–23Alma 19:22–23

44  What effect did Ammon’s example have on King Lamoni?  Let’s read Alma 18:9–11 Alma 18:9–11Alma 18:9–11 WWWWho has set a good example for you? FFFFor whom can you set a good example?

45  How did Ammon’s testimony and the Spirit of the Lord affect King Lamoni?  Let’s read Alma 18:40–43 Alma 18:40–43Alma 18:40–43  How have others’ testimonies helped you?  In what ways can you share your testimony with others?

46  How did the queen and her servant Abish show their great faith?  Let’s read Alma 19:8–12, 17 Alma 19:8–12, 17 Alma 19:8–12, 17

47  What did King Lamoni and the queen both testify of?  Let’s read Alma 19:12–13, 29–30 Alma 19:12–13, 29–30Alma 19:12–13, 29–30  How do you think King Lamoni felt after he saw Jesus Christ?

48 Why is it important that we help others learn about Jesus Christ as Ammon and King Lamoni did?

49  Write your testimony or feelings about the Church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Enr Act 2  You could include the thoughts and feelings that make you feel close to Heavenly Father.

50 Think of someone you could share your testimony with. Enr Act 2

51 I can be a missionary now by ______________. Enr Act 3

52  The Lord blesses us as we bear witness of Him and His gospel.  We can share the gospel with others by our example as we live the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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