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Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 1 NACM Leadership Core Competency Fundamentals Date(s)

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Presentation on theme: "Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 1 NACM Leadership Core Competency Fundamentals Date(s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 1 NACM Leadership Core Competency Fundamentals Date(s) Educational Program or Sponsor Faculty 1.5 Hour Toolbox

2 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 2 Leadership: Isn’t Only… Position and place Skills and systems Tools and techniques

3 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 3 Leadership: It Is Also… You being you Practicing what you preach Doing what you say you will do “Finding your voice”

4 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 4 Defining Leadership An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes. –(Joseph Rost, Leadership for the Twenty First Century). When one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. – (James MacGregor Burns, Leadership).

5 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 5 The Tough Thing About Leadership Part “Do”, Part “Be” Managers Do Things Right. Leaders Do the Right Thing. What is the “right thing” to do? Sez who? Building trust

6 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 6 NACM Leadership Competencies Be credible in action Create focus through vision and purpose Manage interdependencies: Work beyond the boundaries Create a high performance environment Do skillful and continual diagnosis

7 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 7 Being Credible in Action

8 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 8 Credibility? 64 percent said they don’t believe what management says 50 percent said they aren’t informed about the organization’s plans

9 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 9 Credibility Do as I say, AND as I do Decisions and actions consistent, timely Honest behavior Know their jobs Know (and care about) them Foster communication and community Provide opportunities to grow and learn As much as possible, people make their own decisions Give people credit Solve problems and foster success

10 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 10 Ethics: A Key to Credibility Managers do things right. Leaders do the right thing. − Warren Bennis What’s the right thing? Weigh the pragmatic in the clarifying light of the moral. − Max DePree, former President, Herman Miller

11 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 11 Creating Focus Through Vision and Purpose

12 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 12 Vision Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light. –Joseph Pulitzer

13 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 13 Vision Test A realistic, credible, attractive future A future that is better, more successful, or more desirable than the present A desirable destination An idea so energizing that it, in effect, jump starts the future by calling forth the skills, talents and resources to make it happen

14 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 14 Strategic Leadership  Purpose  Priorities  Capacity  Context  Action  Alignment

15 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 15 Three Key Questions Where are we now? Where do we go? How do we get there? The difference between being an entourage in an activity trap and an organization with a focus.

16 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 16 The Essence of It All Focus on Contribution

17 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 17 Beyond the Boundaries: Managing Interdependencies

18 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 18 “There are no results within the walls of an organization.” − Peter Drucker

19 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 19 What They’re Telling Us 35 percent feel the justice system works and people get the justice they deserve 62 percent disagree − Opinion Research Corporation, 1997

20 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 20 More of What They’re Telling Us 80 percent- Cases are not resolved in a timely manner Over 50 percent- Judges do not give adequate time and attention to each individual case Over 50 percent- Courts do not make sure their orders are enforced 40 percent- Court rulings are not understood by the people involved in case 40 percent- Courts are not in touch with their communities

21 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 21 Leadership Beyond the Boundaries Work on Relationships Begin With Inquiry Listen Understand Interdependencies Anticipate Needs Manage Expectations Keep Up the Dialogue

22 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 22 Creating a High Performance Work Environment

23 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 23 Exercising Influence Beyond Organization Structure and Formal Authority Power in Your Position, or, Power in Your Person, or, Both?

24 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 24 Assumptions of the World’s Best Leaders Each person’s talents are enduring and unique Each person’s greatest room for growth is in areas of his or her greatest strength

25 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 25 Great Leaders Look for talent in every role Focus people’s performance on outcomes rather than force them into a stylistic mold Treat each employee differently Spend most of their time with their best people − The Gallup Organization

26 Insert Course Title Here National Association for Court Management Effective Leadership Practices 26 Doing Skillful and Continual Diagnosis

27 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 27 The Leader as Diagnostician

28 Effective Leadership Practices National Association for Court Management 28 21st Century Leadership Development Stop concentrating on the leader See leadership as an episodic affair of a group (not a desired way of life of a single individual) Educate people to use influence, not authority Develop people to work in a non-coercive relationship Develop people’s collaborative skills Build trust among diverse people (leadership relationships are based on mutual trust) − Joseph Rost

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