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Who’s that Tweeting? I was taught sex education by my Mum in high school #awkward.

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Presentation on theme: "Who’s that Tweeting? I was taught sex education by my Mum in high school #awkward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who’s that Tweeting? I was taught sex education by my Mum in high school #awkward

2 Who’s that Tweeting? I was taught sex education by my Mum in high school #awkward

3 Sex Education in Schools Learning Objective: To evaluate whether the government should change sex education in British Schools. What are your initial thoughts on this?

4 Agree or Disagree? Children should receive sex education from the age of four. Schools are not responsible for sex education, it is the role of the parent. Sex education in school is ineffective as teen pregnancy rates are not reducing. Sex education should only be given in secondary school. Learning Objective: To evaluate whether the government should change sex education in British Schools.

5 Key Question Should the government change sex education in British schools? You will be writing a petition to give to Boris Johnson explaining whether or not you think sex education should be changed in British schools and why. You will need to present evidence in your petition.

6 Carousel Activity Learning Objective: To evaluate whether the government should readdress sex education in British Schools. You will have five minutes at each station to gather information to use in your marked piece. You will need 3 key points in your book from each station. Remember to use the reading techniques of skimming and scanning. Highlight keywords or points. Use a dictionary if you don’t understand any words.

7 Petition Boris! You have a 2 minute audience with Boris Johnson. Now that you have read the articles and have had your own experience of sex education in school, do you think it should be changed? E.g. older/younger, content, should it even be taught etc. Persuade Boris of your opinion. Include evidence from the articles you have read.

8 2 Minutes with Boris! 4Gs

9 Final Thoughts Should the government change sex education in British schools? Yes No

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