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Nuclear – a couple and their biological or adopted children Single-parent – one parent raising the children as a result of death or divorce Blended –

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear – a couple and their biological or adopted children Single-parent – one parent raising the children as a result of death or divorce Blended –"— Presentation transcript:


2 Nuclear – a couple and their biological or adopted children Single-parent – one parent raising the children as a result of death or divorce Blended – The single parent(s) remarry. The step- parent may have children of their own, resulting in step-siblings Extended – Other relatives, such as grandparents or cousins, live with the family (Circle your family type)

3 Divorce rate has increased Divorce is most common in teenage couples More Mom’s are working Moving is more common

4 The family life cycle shows the basic stages that families go through in life (Circle the stage(s) your family is in) Beginning Couple newly married, no kids Parental/Child rearing Couple becomes parents Launching Children leave home for work/college Empty Nest Stage after kids leave the house and before retirement Retirement Couple done working and have more leisure time

5 Basic Needs: Food, clothing, shelter Emotional Needs: Love, acceptance Intellectual Needs: Supportive of education/homework, etc. Socialization Needs: Teaching Appropriate Behavior Family MemberRole

6 What are your family traditions? Where are you from? Describe the members of your family.

7 Family conflict occurs when family members disagree with one another Major conflict can be a result of parents and children not agreeing Conflict can also occur when families merge or blend Families need to find a balance in work/rest/play To solve problems, families need to: Tackle problems together Look for positive solutions in all situations Get help when needed (How does your family resolve conflict?)

8 Families are codependent when they allow one family member’s problem to control everyone’s behavior Families should never cover for a member who has a serious problem, such as alcohol or drug dependency Abuse can be emotional as well as physical

9 Family members need to talk about their feelings Each family member should assume their fair share of responsibilities around the house Families strengthen through: Establishing traditions Spending time together Working toward common goals Good communication, i.e. family calendars with schedules Show respect for one another i.e. knock on closed doors (What is important to your family?)

10 Write a paragraph about your family. What do you love most about your family? What would you like to change?

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