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Families Teen Living Instructor: Ms. Jessica Edwards, M.A. Ed.

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1 Families Teen Living Instructor: Ms. Jessica Edwards, M.A. Ed.

2 Types of Families  Nuclear family- a husband, wife, and their biological children  Extended family- a family group consisting of parents, children, and other close relatives  Blended family-consists of a husband and a wife, at least one of whom has at least one child from a previous relationship

3  Single-parent family-headed by one parent  Adoptive family-one or more children not born into a family are made permanent members of that family by law  Foster family-a couple or an individual assumes responsibility for the care of a child for an indefinite period of time

4 Factors Affecting Families  Birth rate  Women in the workplace  Increasing lifespan  Mobility  Divorce

5 Function of the Family The function of the family is to nurture each member, or to promote development in all areas, by meeting needs throughout a lifetime. These include:  Meeting physical needs  Promoting emotional growth  Shaping social development  Aiding intellectual growth  Guiding moral growth

6 What Creates Strength in Families?  Respect  Trust  Emotional Support  Communication  Sharing of goals, traditions, and time

7 Strategies for Managing  Set priorities.  Allow for variations.  Be realistic about what can be done.  Seek and give cooperation with other family members.  Plan together how time will be spent.  Learn to manage stress.

8 The Family Life Cycle  Beginning stage. As a couple establishes a home in this stage, they learn about each other. They devise systems for living happily together.  Parental stage. As the couple becomes parents and raise their children, many changes occur within the family. Parents teach and train their young children and often have less time for activities as a couple.  Launching stage. In the launching stage, children leave home to support themselves and develop their own lifestyles. The family cycle begins for a new generation.

9  Middle age stage. After the children have left home, parents have time to focus on being a couple again. During this time, couples may also reassess their careers, take up hobbies, and become more active in their communities.  Retirement stage. Retirement may mean freedom for travel and leisure activities. Adjusting to the aging process is necessary, often including the death of friends and spouse and moving to a smaller home or retirement facility.

10 Variations or Changes in the Family Life Cycle  New family members  Moving  Job change  Job loss  Divorce  Remarriage and blending  Illness and accidents  Death

11 Possible Problems  Abuse  Rape  Depression  Suicide  Substance Abuse

12 Codependency  Codependency is a tendency to allow someone else’s problem to control your behavior.

13 Asking for Help  Some people think it is a sign of weakness to ask for help. Actually, it takes courage and maturity to admit when you cannot handle a problem alone.  Most counselors offer their clients partial or complete confidentiality, or privacy. These are sources for help:  Family  Friends  Support groups  Other adults you trust

14  Community organizations  Professional help

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