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How to Vote. I. What a Church Cannot Do. II. What a Church Can Do. III. What a Church Should Do. I. What a Church Cannot Do. II. What a Church Can Do.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Vote. I. What a Church Cannot Do. II. What a Church Can Do. III. What a Church Should Do. I. What a Church Cannot Do. II. What a Church Can Do."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Vote

2 I. What a Church Cannot Do. II. What a Church Can Do. III. What a Church Should Do. I. What a Church Cannot Do. II. What a Church Can Do. III. What a Church Should Do.

3 Facing An Up-Front Objection Objection: We should not mix God and government, religion and politics, the moral and the political. Response: Why not? 1. Our Founding Fathers based Government on God and encouraged both religion and morality. 2. By encouraging Christians to vote their conscience, we are not establishing a national religion (which the Constitution forbids) but only encouraging religion in general (which the Constitution promotes) and morality in particular (which the Courts have upheld). 3. Good morals are the basis of good government, and without morality, civil government is not civil. Objection: We should not mix God and government, religion and politics, the moral and the political. Response: Why not? 1. Our Founding Fathers based Government on God and encouraged both religion and morality. 2. By encouraging Christians to vote their conscience, we are not establishing a national religion (which the Constitution forbids) but only encouraging religion in general (which the Constitution promotes) and morality in particular (which the Courts have upheld). 3. Good morals are the basis of good government, and without morality, civil government is not civil.

4 1. Gov’t without God is Godless. a. Gov’t without religion is irreligious or anti-religious. b. Gov’t without morality is amoral or immoral (Look at Russia or China). d. James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution, said: a. Gov’t without religion is irreligious or anti-religious. b. Gov’t without morality is amoral or immoral (Look at Russia or China). d. James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution, said:

5 James Madison: “Father of US Constitution” “Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe.” (Memorial & Remonstrance, 1785).

6 2. Our Founding Fathers do not hesitate to mix God and government. a. The Pilgrims did. b. Our first schools did. c. The Declaration of Independence did. d. The US Constitution did. e. The Supreme Court did. f. State Constitutions did. a. The Pilgrims did. b. Our first schools did. c. The Declaration of Independence did. d. The US Constitution did. e. The Supreme Court did. f. State Constitutions did.

7 1620: The Pilgrim’s Mayflower Compact “For the advancement of the Christian Faith” In the name of King James the “Defender of the Faith” “For the advancement of the Christian Faith” In the name of King James the “Defender of the Faith”

8 They Promoted Religion in Schools The Northwest Ordinance (1787 and 1789) declared: "Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged."

9 Government is grounded in “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” Thus, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” 1776: Declaration of Independence

10 Religious Based Colleges Established Harvard’s Rules for Students: “...To consider well the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life, John 17:3…” (1636).

11 School Sponsored Bible Reading “Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament be read and taught as divine revelation [in schools]?” (Vidal, 1844).

12 3. By Promoting Good Government We are not establishing religion but morality. a. The Constitution only forbids establishing a national religion, not a national morality. b. All laws establish morality (the only questions is whose morality will be established). c. Would you like to live in a country w/o laws against murder, theft, rape, child and spouse abuse, assault, etc.? a. The Constitution only forbids establishing a national religion, not a national morality. b. All laws establish morality (the only questions is whose morality will be established). c. Would you like to live in a country w/o laws against murder, theft, rape, child and spouse abuse, assault, etc.?

13 1.Is it wise? 2.Is it legal? 3.Is it possible? 4.Yes! Yes! Yes! 1.Is it wise? 2.Is it legal? 3.Is it possible? 4.Yes! Yes! Yes! We Can Legislate Morality

14 The First Amendment Does not Forbid Establishing a National Morality “Congress [the Federal Gov’t] shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Note: Congress established a national morality by basing its laws on the Ten Commandments. “Congress [the Federal Gov’t] shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Note: Congress established a national morality by basing its laws on the Ten Commandments.

15 Our Government Encouraged Religion by: 1. First Amendment’s “Free Exercise” 2. Promoting religion in schools 3. Presidential prayer proclamations 4. Congressional prayers 5. School sponsored prayers 6. Government supported missionaries 7. Government based on belief in God 8. Religious based colleges 9. School sponsored Bible reading 10. Supreme Court upholds moral laws 1. First Amendment’s “Free Exercise” 2. Promoting religion in schools 3. Presidential prayer proclamations 4. Congressional prayers 5. School sponsored prayers 6. Government supported missionaries 7. Government based on belief in God 8. Religious based colleges 9. School sponsored Bible reading 10. Supreme Court upholds moral laws

16 Government supported missionaries In 1803 Congress granted money, signed by President Jefferson, for a Church to do missionary work among the Kaskaskian Indian. In 1796, under president Washington, Congress gave land to the United Brethren for the purpose of “propagating the gospel among the heathen.”

17 North Carolina State Constitution “Disqualifications for office. The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.” (Article IV, Section 8) “Disqualifications for office. The following persons shall be disqualified for office: First, any person who shall deny the being of Almighty God.” (Article IV, Section 8)

18 School Sponsored Bible Reading “Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament be read and taught as divine revelation [in schools]?” (Vidal, 1844).

19 Supreme Court Upheld Moral Laws Including laws against: Murder, Rape, Theft, Polygamy, Incest, Adultery, Homosexuality, etc. Including laws against: Murder, Rape, Theft, Polygamy, Incest, Adultery, Homosexuality, etc.

20 How to Vote I. What a Church Cannot Do a. Endorse political candidates. b. Contribute to political candidates. c. Contribute to political groups. d. Grant their name to support political groups or candidates. e. Allow one candidate but not others the use of its facilities. Note: The church can support political issues but not political candidates. I. What a Church Cannot Do a. Endorse political candidates. b. Contribute to political candidates. c. Contribute to political groups. d. Grant their name to support political groups or candidates. e. Allow one candidate but not others the use of its facilities. Note: The church can support political issues but not political candidates.

21 How to Vote II. What a Church Can Do a. Sponsor voter registration. b. Discuss moral and social issues. c. Distribute candidate surveys. d. Introduce candidates at church. e. Educate members on views of candidates. f. Have candidates preach or read Scripture. g. Sponsor petitions on legislation. h. Lobby candidates on legislation. i. Encourage members to vote morally. conscience. II. What a Church Can Do a. Sponsor voter registration. b. Discuss moral and social issues. c. Distribute candidate surveys. d. Introduce candidates at church. e. Educate members on views of candidates. f. Have candidates preach or read Scripture. g. Sponsor petitions on legislation. h. Lobby candidates on legislation. i. Encourage members to vote morally. conscience.

22 How to Vote I. What a Church Cannot Do II. What a Church Can Do III. What a Church Should Do I. What a Church Cannot Do II. What a Church Can Do III. What a Church Should Do

23 A. Sponsor voter registration. B. Make members aware of the issues and views of the candidates. C. Encourage its members to vote. D. Encourage its members to vote according to Christian principles. A. Sponsor voter registration. B. Make members aware of the issues and views of the candidates. C. Encourage its members to vote. D. Encourage its members to vote according to Christian principles.

24 D. Encourage its members to vote for... 1. Keeping “Under God” in the Pledge. 2. Reading the Ten Commandments in school. 3. Teaching creation in school. 4. Having Class Prayer in school. 5. Teaching God-given morals in school. 6. Supporting civil rights for all citizens. 7. Appointing good Judges who will correctly interpret the Constitution. 8. Maintaining a strong national security. 9. Supporting pro-life and pro-family issues. In brief, restoring our lost freedoms. 1. Keeping “Under God” in the Pledge. 2. Reading the Ten Commandments in school. 3. Teaching creation in school. 4. Having Class Prayer in school. 5. Teaching God-given morals in school. 6. Supporting civil rights for all citizens. 7. Appointing good Judges who will correctly interpret the Constitution. 8. Maintaining a strong national security. 9. Supporting pro-life and pro-family issues. In brief, restoring our lost freedoms.

25 Freedoms We Have Lost: In Principle (1-6) or Practice (7-9) 1. Freedom to teach creation in public Schools. 2. Freedom to teach God-given morals in public Schools. 3. Freedom of class prayer in public schools. 4. Freedom of class Bible reading in public schools. 5. Freedom of due process for the unborn. 6. Freedom of life for the unborn (No liberty w/o life). 7. Freedom of expression in the mainstream Press. 8. Freedom from taxation without representation. 9. Freedom to teach the Declaration of Independence. Note: A Vote to restore these freedoms is a vote to restore our Constitutional rights! 1. Freedom to teach creation in public Schools. 2. Freedom to teach God-given morals in public Schools. 3. Freedom of class prayer in public schools. 4. Freedom of class Bible reading in public schools. 5. Freedom of due process for the unborn. 6. Freedom of life for the unborn (No liberty w/o life). 7. Freedom of expression in the mainstream Press. 8. Freedom from taxation without representation. 9. Freedom to teach the Declaration of Independence. Note: A Vote to restore these freedoms is a vote to restore our Constitutional rights!

26 But what about the Economy? 1. We should vote morals over money. a. The best thing you can do for the economy is vote morality. b. Good morality promotes good economy. c. Seek God and you may find gold, but-- seek gold and you will lose God. d. Vote life over non-life issue 1. The right to life is the right to all other rights. Without life you have no rights. 2. Hitler had a great plan for the economy! 2. We should vote principle over party. 1. We should vote morals over money. a. The best thing you can do for the economy is vote morality. b. Good morality promotes good economy. c. Seek God and you may find gold, but-- seek gold and you will lose God. d. Vote life over non-life issue 1. The right to life is the right to all other rights. Without life you have no rights. 2. Hitler had a great plan for the economy! 2. We should vote principle over party.

27 Mark Twain Said: The American Christian is a straight and clean and honest man.... But the moment he comes forwards to exercise a public trust he can be confidently counted upon to betray that trust in nine cases out of ten, if “party loyalty” shall require it.... There are Christian Private Morals, but there are no Christian Public Morals, at the polls, or in the Congress or anywhere else– except here and there and scattered around like lost comets in the solar system ” (Christian Science, 359-361). The American Christian is a straight and clean and honest man.... But the moment he comes forwards to exercise a public trust he can be confidently counted upon to betray that trust in nine cases out of ten, if “party loyalty” shall require it.... There are Christian Private Morals, but there are no Christian Public Morals, at the polls, or in the Congress or anywhere else– except here and there and scattered around like lost comets in the solar system ” (Christian Science, 359-361).

28 On the Jefferson Memorial “God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

29 “The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing” (died 1797). “The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing” (died 1797). Edmund Burke All you need to do is … All you need to do is … Don’t register Don’t register Don’t vote Don’t vote Don’t vote your conscience Don’t vote your conscience All you need to do is … All you need to do is … Don’t register Don’t register Don’t vote Don’t vote Don’t vote your conscience Don’t vote your conscience

30 But If You Do Nothing… Then don’t complain… if we lose our other freedoms. if America is judged by God. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psa. 9:17). Then don’t complain… if we lose our other freedoms. if America is judged by God. “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psa. 9:17).

31 “My Vote Does Not Count” Yes it does! If everyone followed that, then no one would vote! President Kennedy won by an average of one vote per precinct. Bush won by less than that. Yes it does! If everyone followed that, then no one would vote! President Kennedy won by an average of one vote per precinct. Bush won by less than that.

32 Nine Reasons We Need to Vote!

33 We Need One More Vote

34 It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness ! It is better to light one candle... …than to curse the darkness!

35 Objection: “There is Corruption on Both Sides of the Aisle.” Response: Most choices in life involve less than perfect alternatives. Don’t sacrifice the good because you can’t achieve the perfect. It’s better to vote for a suspected witch than for a known Devil. Most choices in life involve less than perfect alternatives. Don’t sacrifice the good because you can’t achieve the perfect. It’s better to vote for a suspected witch than for a known Devil.

36 A Half Loaf is Better than No Loaf Just take it a slice at a time. We never compromise our convictions, only our goal.

37 “I Am Only One…” “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do every thing, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” (US author, clergy, 1822-1909) Everett Hale

38 The Battle Hymn of the Republic In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me: As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free; While God is marching on. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! While God is marching on.

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