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A. Something to think about.B. World Oceans Day (WOD).C. The Ocean Cleanup project.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Something to think about.B. World Oceans Day (WOD).C. The Ocean Cleanup project."— Presentation transcript:


2 A. Something to think about.B. World Oceans Day (WOD).C. The Ocean Cleanup project

3 Textbook: 康軒, 第五冊,第三課 “Dolphins don’t belong here, do they? Visual Aids: clips, websites.

4 Q1. Why is the ocean blue? Q2. Why are oceans so important? Q3. What problems do our oceans face? Q4. How can we protect oceans? Q5. What day is June 8 th ?

5 Oceans cover 70% of our planet. They used to be rich in fish and plants. They produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere, and absorb the most carbon from it. Oceans and coasts affect people’s lives every day, around the world.

6 Five Reasons We are All Connected to Oceans. (from The Nature Conservancy) The air we breathe. The food on your plate. The items in your medicine cabinet. Jobs and the economy. A shared resource.

7 Garbage (plastic garbage.)plastic garbage Oil spills Fertilizers Toxic chemicals (Mercury) Pollution Sharks are killed in the tens of millions each year, mainly for their fins.killed in the tens of millions each year Overfisihing Dying Coral Reefs Coral bleaching Climate change (global warming) Tourist infrastructure and activities. Beautiful coastlines disappearing.

8 Introduction-the origin of WOD. Date: June 8 th is World Oceans Day (WOD). 1992 First proposed in 1992 by the government of Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. 2008 United Nations General Assembly resolution passed in December 2008resolution Now UN recognized June 8 th as World Oceans Day.

9 Don’t trash the beachDon’t trash the beach. Leave the beach clean. Pick up trash even if it’s not yours. Bike or walk when you can. Bring your own bag to the store. Plastic bags end up at the beach.

10 Don’t trash the beachDon’t trash the beach. Conserve water. Don’t leave water running when you brush your teeth. Eat fresh fruit instead of packaged candy or chips.

11 Introduction-About the project tml Purpose of this project-to solve the plastic pollution problem. How to do it? Video:Video: a brief introduction to this project

12 Thank you for listening.

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