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Agenda-setting; Policy Formulation I: the foundations of policy analysis October 14, 2014.

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1 Agenda-setting; Policy Formulation I: the foundations of policy analysis
October 14, 2014

2 Midterm October 21 You are responsible for readings, lectures, and themes up through this week (through October 16) Theme list for midterms is finalized Be Connect smart: download lectures rather than relying on system Today: Policy cycle Agenda setting Policy formulation Thursday: Finish policy formulation Midterm review Special office hours Monday 10-12, 2-3

3 Today’s agenda Policy cycle Agenda setting Policy formulation
Policy analysis consultation

4 Reading this week Review In Search of Sustainability reading from first week – policy cycle Carl Patton and Sawicki, Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning, pp (reading packet) – steps in policy analysis Drea Cullen et al, “Collaborative Planning in Complex Stakeholder Environments: An Evaluation of a Two-Tiered Collaborative Planning Model,” Read pp only. Multistakeholder processes (collaborative planning)

5 Analytical Framework: Forces at work in natural resources policy
governance policies environment actions markets Consequences

6 Policy Cycle Model Agenda-Setting Policy Formulation Decisionmaking
Policy Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation

7 Agenda-Setting – Definitions
Social Agenda (general, systemic): issues that the public thinks deserve attention from government measures: polls, media Formal Agenda (government): issues explicitly up for active and serious consideration by policy makers measures: announced proposals, throne speech

8 Northern Gateway v Clayoquot
Media coverage Data from Canadian Newstand NGP from Oct Sep 14, 2014, Clayoquot 1993


10 Throne Speech

11 Agenda-Setting - Process
Kingdon’s “streams” model: a confluence of Problem stream Politics stream Policy (solution) stream Opens a “policy window” Opportunity for “policy entrepreneurs”

12 Agenda-Setting - Process
Changes in “Problem” indicators knowledge, technology focusing event Changes in “Politics” changing public mood elections interest group strategies

13 Agenda-Setting - Process
Changes in “Problem” indicators knowledge, technology focusing event Changes in “Politics” changing public mood elections interest group strategies How did the mid-term timber supply issue get on the government’s agenda?

14 Policy Cycle Model Agenda-Setting Policy Formulation Decisionmaking
Policy Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation

15 Policy Formulation Thinking Talking Policy analysis of alternatives
Consultation with stakeholders

16 6-step Patton and Sawieki – Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning
Verify, define and detail the problem Establish evaluation criteria Identify alternative policies Assess alternative policies Display and distinguish among alternatives Implement, monitor, and evaluate the policy

17 Essential Steps Define problem Criteria for evaluation
Identify multiple alternatives Outcomes/consequences of alternatives Compare/tradeoff Recommended decision

18 PS v. GH Verify, define and detail the problem
Establish evaluation criteria Identify alternative policies Assess alternative policies Display and distinguish among alternatives Implement, monitor, and evaluate the policy Define problem Criteria for evaluation Identify multiple alternatives Outcomes/consequences of alternatives Compare/tradeoff Recommended decision

19 Policy formulation: Talking – consultation alternatives
Private consultations Notice and comment Web consultation Public hearings Establish a roundtable Opinion polls Referendum

20 Collaborative planning in GBR Cullen et al; Price et al
Engage stakeholders Interest-based Consensus oriented Two-tiered planning: All stakeholders in consensus LRMP process Gov and FN only: “government to government” G2G

21 Case Study of Successful Collaboration: the Great Bear Rainforest

22 GBR: the place Central and North Coast regions of BC
Globally significant ecosystem: largest areas of remaining intact coastal temperate rainforest in the world Valuable timber resources Remote communities Unresolved aboriginal land claims October 14, 2014

23 GBR: The Campaign Enviros launch campaign to protect “Great Bear Rainforest” direct action market-based campaign targeting large purchasers October 14, 2014

24 GBR: Planning 1996 – Land and Resource Management Plan (LRMP) - Multi-stakeholder planning process enviros boycott October 14, 2014

25 GBR: enviro-industry cooperation
Enviros’ market campaign forces industry into (secret) negotiations outside of formal process 1998: Enviros and industry agree to cease-fire: industry agrees to suspend logging in intact areas engos agree to suspend market campaign and join LRMP process October 14, 2014

26 GBR: 2001 framework agreement
April 2001 Framework Agreement (BC Gov, FN, engos, companies) protected areas (20%) deferrals (11%) remainder covered by ecosystem-based management established independent “Coast Information Team” 2004: Land and Resource Management Plan recommendations – Government to Government negotiations Crown government and First Nations October 14, 2014

27 GBR: 2006 Announcement October 14, 2014

28 October 14, 2014

29 land base of 6.4 million ha (16 million acres)
October 14, 2014

30 Insights from GBR One of most important land use decisions
Extraordinary instance of collaborative decisionmaking Power shift created by enviros’ use of international market pressures Landmark co-jurisdictional arrangements with First Nations Challenging issues in policy design* Revealing implementation challenges* October 14, 2014 *addressed after midterm

31 Thursday Bigger picture on collaborative land use planning in BC (Cullen reading + updates) Collaborative planning vs other consultation tools Midterm review

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