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Scrutiny & Empowerment Partners in partnership with the NHC 11 th July 2011 Yvonne Davies Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Scrutiny & Empowerment Partners in partnership with the NHC 11 th July 2011 Yvonne Davies Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scrutiny & Empowerment Partners in partnership with the NHC 11 th July 2011 Yvonne Davies Director

2 The right structure for YOUR organisation and tenants Getting the right structure A few words on the latest regulation But isn’t it really about: – Buy in from existing involved residents – Enlisting support from involved and new tenants – Defining scrutiny – Recruitment – Skills – Value for Money Timetable for action

3 The government view on localism “Today is the start of a deep and serious reform agenda to take power away from politicians and give it to people.“ David Cameron “We need to give people the platform to get things done ….. a system which properly puts tenants and their representatives firmly in the driving seat.” Grant Shapps

4 Simon Gundry - CLG Draft direction expected to require landlords to accept scrutiny via a tenant panel Landlords must support the formation and activities of panels Landlords respond in a constructive and timely manner

5 What are the rules for scrutiny? The only ‘rule’ is that arrangements are based on what tenants want Performance measurement that matters to tenants – linked to local service standards determined by tenants Scrutiny and inspection arrangements – must be tenant led if they are to be effective “The officers used to give us information and we provided comments. Now we are taking the lead – we say what we want to review and what type of information we want.”

6 What the new empowerment standard might say Recommendations from the Review of regulation:  tenants should be given a wide range of opportunities to influence scrutiny of landlord’s performance;  landlords must provide timely, useful performance information including an annual report to tenants Subsequent policy announcements  increasing opportunities to manage own homes;  tenant cashback scheme

7 How we fit in... Wirral Partnership Homes: ASP Board & Executive Team Scrutiny Panel Umbrella Groups, TRAs, Street Reps, Lone Voices Panels and focus groups Customer feedback (eg surveys, complaints) Customer Inspectors

8 South Oxfordshire HA Co-regulation Model Tenants’ Forum Holding to account 21 Elected Representatives + Co-Optees Soha Board and Staff Governing / managing Portfolio Holders Advising 2 TF members for each area. make decisions which are noted by full Forum meeting Scrutiny Group challenging 12 members, 50 / 50 TF / non-TF No Board members Tenant Inspectors Checking Independent - ‘do they do what is says on the tin?’ Liaison Group Chair or representative from: Tenants’ Forum (chair) Scrutiny Group Representative Groups Tenant Inspectors Representative Groups representing Access for All, Seniors Group, BME researchers, Youth Forum.


10 The Formation of Tenant Scrutiny Panel at High Peak ALMO Initially it was identified by HPCH that the formation of a scrutiny group was the next step for tenant involvement. Work started in October 2009 to create a scrutiny group. The existing Tenant’s Forum was used as a steering group for the project. Developed aims, objectives, roles and definitions. Initially set membership limit to 12. Members consist of tenants and leaseholders.


12 The Formation of Tenant Scrutiny Panel at High Peak ALMO From the existing Tenant’s Forum 9 members made the transition to scrutiny. For different reasons, 2 Forum members did not continue in the process. HPCH held recruitment drives in the form of ‘Meet the company’ days, and from these an additional member was obtained. Tenant Forum was officially disbanded in September 2010, and TSP became a reality. However, we didn’t get to this stage without some assistance…


14 Moorlands Customer Involvement

15 Helena Co-regulation Source: Housemark

16 Thinking about your structure  National and existing service standards?  Local offers?  Existing participation structures?  Reality checks – mystery shop; voids; walkabouts?  Existing action plans?  Service improvement groups?  Residents groups?  Federations?  E panels and reader groups?

17 Thinking about your structure (2)  Role of satisfaction surveys  Diversity in recruitment and selection of the Panel  Hearing and including opinions from diverse groups  Terms of Reference  Code of Conduct

18 Relationship Management  Staff  Board  Tenant board members  Existing tenant structures  Specialist panels  Improvement agenda

19 Why is scrutiny different? Mystery shopping is a form of scrutiny Performance management Governance structure Tenant led Fact finding and analysis

20 Recruitment Steering group might agree: –Right skills and experience –Representative panel –Competence –How to attract people –Attributes of a good scrutiniser

21 Building Skills Time to build skills and to complete scrutiny Team building Communication – evidence, reports, presenting & promoting the work of the panel Time management Assertiveness and negotiation skills

22 Value for money for tenant and landlord Budget Base Training Support Staff Support is not just for the scrutiny panel

23 Thank-you Questions and Discussion Tel: 07867 974659

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