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Matthew Moiczek Environmental Science Anderson September 12, 2010.

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1 Matthew Moiczek Environmental Science Anderson September 12, 2010

2  Scientific name: Macropus giganteus tasmaniensis  Mammal

3  It is listed as endangered in Australia (Tasmania)  Subspecies of eastern gray kangaroo found only in Tasmania

4  Largest of Tasmanian Reciprocals  Over 6 ½ ft. in height  Weighing over 130 Ibs

5  Fur coat varies from light to dark  Eastern grays have long tails (used for balance)  Hind legs are much larger than limbs  5 finger and can grasp objects  Excellent senses of smell, hearing, and sight

6  Prefer grasslands or open woodlands  Prefer to live in small groups: “mobs”  Herbivores  Mostly shrubs, grass, leaves, etc.

7  Listed as endangered June 4 th, 1973  Hunting  Clearing of land (agricultural expansion)  Competition with livestock and other herbivores  Disease  Road deaths  Climate changes  Poisonous baiting

8  Reduced 90% since the 1800’s  The species is now protected by lay by the Australian government so hopefully the population will rise again over the years

9  Can jump 30 feet in a single bound  When not jumping they move on all limbs  Females give birth to one “Joey” after a 35 day gestation period  Aggressive behavior:  “Boxing” to gain dominance over other mobs  Winner is most likely to mate with females in mob

10  Can swivel their ears in any direction to focus  Pictured on the Coat of Arms of Hobart Details

11  Glenn, C. R. 2006. "Earth's Endangered Creatures" (Online). Accessed 9/13/2010 at  ofile-220.html ofile-220.html

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